#7 Gally

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"Gally?" Thomas murmured, paling at the sight infront of him. Narrowing my eyes at his face, I saw his lip twitch in what I assume to be anger.

After witnessing his reaction, I Survey everyone else's facial expressions, they all seemed to be in states of awe of this random man with impeccable eyebrows. It was obvious they knew eachother, but from where I had no idea. Maybe it was the thought of seeing him here that mesmerised them. Or maybe it was the fact that he was alive that struck them so harshly. Either way I was confused.

I ran a hand through my hair and placed the other on my hip, sighing as I watched the two boys stare eachother down.

Rage seemed to surge through Thomas and he plunged forward, swinging a right hook across 'Gally's' face.

Wonder what he did to deserve that.

Gally fell to the floor and Thomas clambered on top to punch at him again.

Newt instantly rushed forward, skidding to his knees on Thomas' right and grabbing his fist to prevent any more damage to this Gally guy.

For a second, I turned to Jorge.

"What on earth is going on?" I whispers.

He looked at me before shrugging his shoulders and turning back to the scene.

"Woah woah. Stop. Stop it. Stop." Newt breathed.

Thomas' breathing intensified with rage.

"He killed Chuck." Thomas seethed.

"Yeah." Newt said, "I know, I remember. I was there too all right? But I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind."

Newt glanced desperately around at all the men pointing their loaded guns at Thomas and turned back to said boy. Thomas was heaving with anger and the only thing stopping him from bashing Gally's face in was Newt and his words. That's alot of pressure for one man.

Stung? He killed someone because he got stung by a bee? Wait they had bees? I have never been so confused in my life.

"Just calm down. Alright?"

Thomas was visibly shaking. Throwing off Newt's grip he stood up suddenly, backing up and allowing Gally to get to his feet aswell.

He held his jaw, saying, "kinda had that coming. Anybody else? Fry? Newt?"

Jorge came up behind Fry and Thomas, who was still glaring daggers into Gally's skull, and asked,
"Do you know this guy?"

Finally, someone said it.

"He was an old friend." Fry replied softly, oddly reminiscent as he took in the man infront of him.

"How? How- how is this possible." Newt stammers out, looking Gally up and down gobshocked. "We watched you die." He stated, strong frustration in his tone at how he wasn't able to see this happening.

"No you left me to die." Gally paused, "and if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now."

Right. Great. Thanks for that, Gally.

I can see why these guys don't like him.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Apparently we can ask you the same question." I blurted out, needing some sort of answers.

That's when Brenda elbows me in the side. I yelped in pain.

We let Newt answer Gally while I whispered angrily to Brenda.

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