And So It Begins

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Beep, beep, beep. I woke up to the soul crushing sound of my alarm clock. "Another day, another shred of my soul gone." I grumbled as I turned off my alarm clock. I sat up in bed and stretched. I looked at the mirror across from me and stared at the pale girl with messy midnight black hair staring back at me. I get out of bed and trudge my way to the bathroom.

When I get to the bathroom, I'm welcomed by the door shut in my face. "Of course she's already awake." I think to myself. I sigh, then start banging on the door. "Ashley! Hurry up!"

"The early bird gets the worm!" , her singsong voice chimes back. I've always hated how optimistic and perky she was. Maybe it's because I knew I would never be as happy as her, maybe it's because she was just obnoxiously happy, either way, she was my sister.

Ashley opened the bathroom door, her golden blonde hair pulled into a neat ponytail. "All yours.", she said. I walked past her into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at myself and assessed the damage. First of all, my hair was a mess. There was mascara smeared under my eyes, but it really made the blue in them pop. "Maybe I should leave it like that." I grabbed a makeup remover wipe and wiped my face clean. Now on to the rest.

After about an hour of me carefully applying my makeup and straightening my hair, I hear Ashley calling to me from the living room. "Come on, Skyler! We're gonna be late for school!"

"Yeah, yeah." I stepped out of the bathroom and walked back into my bedroom. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans from my closet and my favorite red hoodie. I throw on my jeans, zip up my hooodie, slide on my black converses. I couldn't help but take a moment to enjoy the quiet, the calm before the storm. Mom was always gone by now, she worked day shifts at the local hospital. As for dad, he had gone out to buy a gallon of milk. Then again, that was seven years ago, so I guess he hasn't found it yet. I rushed into the living room. "How do I look?"

"Gorgeous as always." Ashley replied. She was wearing a light purple sundress with black pumps. A classic Ashley look. "Let's get going," she said "the girls are probably waiting for us." We left our apartment and entered the chaotic world that is uptown Manhattan.

We walked along the sidewalk and talked. Along the way, we took in the sights and sounds of New York City. The honking of taxi cabs, the street vendors trying to sell their various products. Along the way, a group of men began shouting at us. "Where are you beauties goin in such a rush?" One of them shouted. We looked at each and rolled our eyes. This was nothing we weren't used to, we kept walking.

We walked into the school. I was immediately greeted by the off white walls that mocked me for so many years. We made our way to the cafeteria for breakfast where our friends would be waiting for us. At the far side of the cafeteria sat our group of friends. We got to the table and sat down just in time to hear Lily telling the girls the latest gossip.

"So then Jake was all like 'It's not like I'd sleep with you anyway.' So then she lied and said he did anyway!" Lily's dark brown eyes, moved around the circle of girls to make sure they were soaking in all the details. Brooklyn stared down at her phone, not paying attention to Lily. Hailey was at least pretending to be interested in the story.

"Are you talking about Katy again?" I groaned. Lily loved talking about what an awful person Katy was. I don't blame her, Katy was popular for all the wrong reasons, after all.

"She's such a skank!" Lily snarled and continued her dramatic retelling of the story. Her carmel brown hair was in a neat side braid. Her tan skin was flawless, except for a few pale freckles which she had always hated. Brooklyn, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled into a sloppy topknot and her pale face was bare, with the exception of some mascara. Hailey was a perfect medium, her strawberry blonde hair was straightened, and she had her iconic natural makeup look on her ivory skin.

Ashley had already pulled out a book, completely ignoring Lily and everyone else, which only encouraged Lily to talk louder and be even more dramatic. "You know, Brent is having a party tonight. He said we were all invited if we were down." Lily said. Brooklyn and I looked at each other, eyes wide with excitement.

Ashley slammed her book down on the table, I guess Lily finally got her attention. "No way!" Ashley shouted. "We are not going to his party! All they do there is drink!"

"Please!", Brooklyn pleaded with Ashley. "We'll be responsible!" Ashley's expression was determined, she was not going to be persuaded easily. This calls for special measures.

"I'll be the designated driver." I looked at Winter. "Mom won't even care, she's working late tonight. We'll be home before she's even home. We won't even stay at the party for more than two hours, I promise. Pretty please, Ashley?" I batted my eyes at her.

Ashley sighed. "Fine." The rest of the group erupted in cheers just as the bell rang. We all got up from the table and made our way into the crowded school hallway.

"See you all tonight! We can all meet up at our place around eight." I looked around as all the girls nodded in agreement. Then we headed to our classes. Since Brooklyn, Lily, and I were all juniors, we walked to class together. Ashley and Hailey walked alone since Ashley was a sophomore and Hailey was a freshman.

Tonight was going to be the best party of the year, and we weren't going to miss a minute of the action. Tonight was going to be magical, I could feel it.

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