A Savior, Or Something Along Those Lines

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I woke up outside, surrounded by my friends. We were all laying along side a dirt road on the middle of nowhere. It was dark outside, the only light from the moon. Behind us was a forest, and on the opposite side of the road was a large meadow. I looked back at the group of my friends. They had began to wake up. They all sat up and looked around. I broke down into tears for the third time today.

     All my friends hugged me. "I'm so sorry!" I sobbed. "This is all my fault! If I had been responsible, this would have happened! I'm so sorry!"

     "Don't blame yourself." My sister said. "It wasn't anyone's fault. This was all just really bad luck."

     "We should try to find help." the smallest in the group suggested. We all got up and began running down the road. Immediately, the smallest in the group took off, bolting down the road, three times faster than anyone else in the group. She eventually stopped and waited for us to catch up.

     Out of breath, we finally reached her. "When did you get so fast?" I looked her over, she wasn't even out of breath.

     "I'm not sure." she replied. I looked at her ears and tail again. They weren't from a leopard.

     "Cheetah!" I exclaimed. "He mixed your DNA with a cheetah's! That's why your so fast! You guys, that's why we're all different! We all have sharper canine teeth because we're predators! Everyone except for you," I pointed to the feathered one "because you're a bird!" The group nodded in agreement. "That means we all have some sort of untapped powers based on our animals!"

     "That would make sense, but how does that help us?" The one with the wolf ears looked around, trying to asses the situation. Suddenly, she stood completely still, her ears perking up. "A car."

     I looked down the road to see a pair of headlights getting closer to us. I waved my arms around, and the rest of the group soon joined in. When the car reached us, it stopped in front of us and rolled its window down. Inside the car was a young man, early twenties, with dark brown hair and sky blue eyes. If my life wasn't in danger, I would've taken the time to flirt with him.

     He looked us over, clearly baffled by our appearance. "What are you girls doing out here?"

     "We need help." My eyes pleaded with his, hoping he'd understand. "We got into a car crash, then this old man took us and experimented on us. You have to help us, please."

     He considered my words before finally speaking. "Get in the car." He spoke calmly. All of my friends quickly got into his car. I got into the passenger seat. Once we were all in, he began driving.

     "Who are you?" I hesitantly asked.

     The man looked at me. "My name's Liam Anderson. I'm a police officer, but I also work at a facility for gifted people. I was called to investigate the car crash you were in and I was on my way back to the city. You're lucky I found you."

     The way he used the word "gifted" seemed off. "By gifted you mean......"

     "People like you." he explained. I could see my friends' faces light up.

     "Like a superhero academy!" the small one exclaimed.

     Liam chuckled. "Yeah, something like that." He looked over at me. I was looking out the window, thinking of how much difference our lives would be now. "Do you Gus have names?"

     I turned my attention back to him. "We don't remember." He looked at me, sympathetically, then back to the road. "I do, they don't. I'm Skyler."

     He looked in the rear view at my friends. "You're gonna wanna think of something before we get to the facility."

     I was about to start a new chapter of my life and rebuild with my friends. They chatted about being superheroes. I looked out the window and wondered how things could have been different if I had been more responsible.

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