A Crack In The Glass

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I sat on my bed for two hours after curfew, waiting for everyone to fall asleep, but mostly contemplating what I was about to do. I looked at the drivers license in my hand. If I went through with this, Winter would never forgive me if she found out. But I was doing it for her. For us.

I quietly got out of bed and crept to the window. Our room faced the training ground, which had a tree growing up the side of the building. I opened our window and and sat on the ledge. I launched myself off the window and into the tree. My landing on the branch wasn't too graceful, but I made it. I climbed down the tree, climbed over the fence, and made my way into the street.

I looked down at the drivers license in my hand. I searched the small plastic card for her address. Once I found it, I started my journey. Luckily for me, she didn't live too far from the academy. I scanned over the card for other information. "Katherine." Of course her name would be Katherine, it's such a fitting name for her.

I hopped a subway and made it to her apartment in a matter of minutes. I made it back to street level and examined my surroundings. It was a quieter part of town, even better. I looked at each building until I found the one with the corresponding number. I managed to slip into the building undetected. Once in the elevator I pulled my dagger out of my satchel. The instructor let us take them so we could practice outside of class. I figured this was the best way I could practice.

I walked along the rows of apartments until I found hers. I approached the door and took out a bobby pin from my hair. This always worked in movies, so let's hope it worked now. I pulled the sleeve of my hoodie down around my hand to keep any finger prints at bay. I jammed the bobby pin in the lock and wiggled it around. To my surprise, the lock clicked.

I quietly snuck into the apartment. I could hear her talking. I prayed she was alone. I didn't want to have to kill innocent people, but I was ready to do what was necessary. I got closer and closer to the sound of her voice. I peaked into the room where she was and saw her sitting on a couch talking on the phone.

I ducked my head back around the corner. I held the dagger to my chest. I took a few deep breaths. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. If no one else would rid the world of people like her, I would.

I stood in the doorway. This must have caught her attention since she stared at me in horror. "What-what are you doing here?" She looked at the dagger which I grasped in my hand. She dropped the phone in terror. "Get out! Get out!" Without speaking, I started walking towards her. She stumbled backwards, trying to get away from me. I kept getting closer and closer to her. She tripped over a stool and fell on her back. "Get back!"

I stood over her. I could see the fear in her eyes. I basked in the feeling of power as I looked down at her.

"No! Please, no!" She screamed. Her pleads wouldn't help her now. She sealed her fate when she disrespected me and my sister. Some people might view what I'm doing as petty. I see it as justice. I raised the dagger above my head. I took a deep breath. I plunged the dagger down into her stomach. She cried in agony, continuing to try and bargain with me. I lifted the knife and stabbed her again. She didn't scream this time, she just made a gasping noise.

I looked at her. Her breathing was uneasy and she was bleeding out heavily. With the last ounce of her strength, she reached for the phone. I kicked the phone across the room. I looked into her eyes. "You shouldn't have treated me and my sister that way." I stabbed her one more time. As I removed my dagger from her chest, her body went limp as her eyes rolled back in her head. Blood began to leak from her mouth.

I looked at her and felt strangely accomplished. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but that doesn't explain why it felt so good. After having my dignity and life stripped from me, this made me feel powerful, if not god-like. This feeling of power was incredible. I had never felt so empowered in my life. I was unstoppable.

After enjoying this newfound power for a few minutes, I walked out of the apartment. I looked back at her lifeless body once more. Then I pulled my sleeve over my hand again and left the apartment, locking it behind me. I made my way out of the building and began walking back to H.A.V.E.N. using the back alleys. I couldn't take the subway since I was covered in blood. As I walked, I noticed seven crows sitting on a telephone wire. They squaked at each other and flapped their wings. Just like pigeons, there were always crows wherever you looked.

After half an hour of walking, I made it to H.A.V.E.N.. I climbed back over the fence and up the tree. I climbed through the window as quietly as possible. I opened the wardrobe and took out a fresh set of clothes. I threw my bloody clothes into a garbage bag, I knew I'd probably need them again. I looked over at Winter who was peacefully sleeping. I cleaned off my dagger and put it back in its sheath. I then laid back down in my bed and drifted off the sleep, feeling accomplished with my work.

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