A Fresh Start

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   Liam pulled into the parking lot of a massive building, which I could only assume was the facility. The building was tall and white, with many windows. I assumed it was near Ellis Island since I could see the Statue of Liberty in the distance. We all got out of the car and followed him into the building.

     He lead us to a front desk where a blonde woman sat, typing on her laptop. She looked up from her screen and carefully looked at each of us. "New arrivals?" She spoke in a southern accent.

     "Yes, they'll be staying here for a while." He motioned to all of us. We all glanced at each other. All of us seemed equally nervous and excited.

     "Can I get your names?" The receptionist looked st me over the rim of her glasses.

     "Skyler." I responded.

     "Last name?"

     "Uh........" The man hadn't mentioned my last name. I looked at my ears in the reflective glass on the counter. "Foxx. Like the animal, but with another x."

     "So fancy.", my sister mocked. She stepped up to the desk and looked at the lady. "Winter. I guess my last name is also Foxx."

     The receptionist glanced up at her, then began typing. "Winter Foxx it is then." Next the smallest friend stepped up to the desk.

     She spoke with hesitance. "Savanna Plaines." I couldn't help but snicker at that one. Next my friend with feathers went.

     "Petina..............Peahene, I guess." My feathered friend then stepped back from the desk, seemingly proud of herself.  My last friend walked up to the desk.

     "Timber Wolfe." She's the only one who sounded confident in her answer.

     The receptionist then looked the group over one more time. She sighed. "You guys are very original when it comes to names." She continued typing. She wasn't wrong, but I couldn't blame them either."Liam will show you around. I have just enough dorms for each of you." She handed Liam a form. "Welcome to H.AV.E.N.."  She then returned to her laptop.

     "Haven?" I asked.

     "That's what we call this place. H.A.V.E.N.. I'd tell you what it stands for, but I don't even know." He continued leading us through the massive lobbby. We all looked around in awe at the large white room with couches, chairs, and tables scattered around the room. People sat around and chatted. There were people of all different variations, winged people, people with extra limbs, people who looked less like people and more like gods. All of us had one thing in common: society wouldn't accept us as we were.

     Liam lead us around the gigantic building. He showed us important rooms like the cafeteria, the training ground which was a small grassy clearing outside, the sparing room, and other important features. Then he took us to the dorms. "Each form can fit two people, but since there's an odd number, one of you can have your own room."

     Petina threw her hand in the air. "Me! Me! I want that room! I need the extra space!" No one protested, we decided to let her have it. Liam showed her to her dorm, then lead Timber and Savanna into their dorm. I made sure Winter and I got to share a room.

     Liam dropped us off outside our dorm. "This is where you guys are gonna stay. If you have any questions, you can ask the receptionist or come find me. Group training will be at 10:00 tomorrow. I know you guys are trying to settle in, but it's mandatory that everyone here has to have their gift assessed. It's a simple process, really. When your ready to do that, just drop by the reception counter and schedule it. Ok?"

     "Yeah. Thanks for showing us around and letting us stay here." I said.

     "Just doing my job." Liam smiled and waved at us, then walked away.

     Winter and I walked into our dorm. The walls were painted a light shade of green. There were two beds, each on an opposite side of the room, a desk, a dresser, and our own bathroom. Our window had a stunning view of the Statue of Liberty. If I had to completely start my life over, I guess this was a pretty good place to do it.

The Foxx Girl Where stories live. Discover now