The Beginning Of The End

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     "Winter," I stammered to explain myself "I can explain, I swear!"

     She threw my bloody pants to the ground in fury. "I don't want to hear your excuses!"

     "It's not what you think it is, if you would just let me-"

     "So you're not murdering people? Is that what you're going to try and tell me?! Huh?! That you're not the one who's been killing those innocent people?!"

     "They weren't innocent! They don't deserve to be alive, Winter! You don't understand!"

     "No, I understand. Your ego is so fragile that you can't handle having anyone see you as less than perfect. I understand just fine. Congratulations, Skyler. You're no better than the people you slaughter! Do you think you're above them? Don't you think killing INNOCENT people makes you some saint?" Her eyes pierced me. There was a long silence. "DO YOU?"

     "YES! Ok?! Yes, I do think it makes me better than them! I'm doing the city, and world, a service!"

     "I can't believe you'd betray me like this. You're supposed to watch out for me, and instead I'm the one watching out for you!"

     I stared at the ground, avoiding eye contact with her. I couldn't stand the sheer anger and hatred she held in her eyes.

     She took a step closer to me. "You haven't been takin those pills, have you?" Her voice was so calm it sent chills down my spine.

     "I.............threw them away."

     "Skyler! I.........How stupid are you, exactly? Those pills were to help us!"

     "I don't need pills to control me! I am in complete control!"

     "You need help, Skyler!"

     I slammed my fist down on the desk next to me. "I do not need help! Not from you! Not from Liam! Not from Petina, or Savanna, or Timber, or ANYONE! I don't want your fake concern! I just want to take back control of my life! I don't need people like you stopping me! Ok?! So if you plan on getting in my way, I suggest you just get out of my life!" Only after the words had left my mouth did I regret them.

     Winter stared at me, shocked. "You really are the monster they say you are."

     "Winter, I'm sorry-"

     "No. You've made yourself perfect clear, Skyler. And before you ask, no, I'm not going to tell anyone. That's on you. It's your choice to either step up and confess or lie and live with this guilt your whole life. That's on you. I'm done. Just remember that I know. I know and I'll never forgive you."

     I stormed passed her and out of the dorm. I knocked on Savanna and Timber's dorm. A groggy Savanna opened the door, her hair in a messy top knot. "Skyler? What are you doing here so late at night?"

     "Wanna have a sleepover?"


     "Not important."

     Savanna motioned for me to come in. I entered the dorm and layed down on the couch in their dorm. I didn't sleep well that night, Winter's words still burning through me.

     That morning at breakfast, Winter lived up to her words. She said nothing to the girls, but she made a point of not sitting next to me. We all ate our hash browns as the news woman on the tv drones on about the latest news. "Another murder this morning as the body of Joy Spencers was discovered in an abandoned alley way. Police believe her murderer to be responsible for the murders of three other people."

     "Who could do something like that?" Timber questioned.

     "I know. Life is so precious and valuable. What person thinks they have the right to rob other people of this gift?" Savanna added.

     Winter looked at me, her gaze was like the fire of a thousand suns.

     I did my best to avoid looking in her general direction. "Yeah, it's pretty messed up.", I muttered. I finished breakfast and went out on the town with Savanna and Timber.

     We stopped by a few stores, then decided to stop for ice cream. Savanna ordered a milkshake, and Timber and I both got sundaes. We sat down at a booth to enjoy our treats. "I can't believe it's almost Fall.", Timber said.

     Savanna's ears perked up. "The best season of the year!"

     Timber rolled her eyes. "Fall is so overrated. What's even so great about it?"

     I raised my hands defensively. "Don't bash the best season. There's Halloween."

     "And the leaves change colors.", Savanna added.

     "Candy corn."

     "Pumpkin carving."


     "Oh, and they play The Nightmare Before Christmas on tv!"

     "Alright, alright," Timber sighed. "Fall is the greatest? Happy now?"

     "Yeah!" Savanna and I cheered in unison as we high fived. We finished our ice cream then headed home.

     "I actually need to pick up something from the store. I'll meet you guys at H.A.V.E.N., ok?"

     "We're still on for the horror movie marathon though, right?" Savanna stared up at me.

     "Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Savanna and Timber went their own way, as I headed for the subway station. I didn't need anything from the store, what I needed was time to think. I got on the next Subway downtown. I sat down and let myself get lost in thought.

     I was pulled away from my thoughts when I noticed a young man with blonde hair sitting across from me, staring at me. At this point, I was used to the staring. He smiled at me, I did my best to smile back. The man then got up and sat next to me.

     "Mind if it sit here?"

     "Not at all."

     He extended his hand to me. "My name's Cooper."

     I shook his hand. "Skyler Foxx."

     "Skyler. That's a really pretty name. Did you that it's meaning in Danish is fugitive?"

     I couldn't help but chuckle. "I didn't know that."

     "Yeah. It's a very suiting name for you, I guess." The friendly demeanor he had completely disappeared.


     He pulled a badge out from his coat pocket and opened it. "Officer Cooper Douglas of the NYPD. We have reason to believe that you're a dangerous person and a hazard to the public. You're under arrest for the murder of four people."



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