//H o p m a n C u p//

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Rayna knocked on her younger sister's bedroom door and called out,''Joey, the match is about to start. Hurry up or you will miss the coin toss.'' Rayna waited for a reply, balancing a bowl of freshly micro waved popcorn in her hand. Half a minute later, the door flew open to reveal Joey. She had been shut up in her bedroom all day due to bad cramps. Her hair was sticking out in all directions and she was dressed like a homeless person. But Rayna knew better than to point it out. Joey simply gave her a passing look and went down the stairs to their living room. Rayna gave out a sigh and followed her.

Rayna had already turned on the tv to ESPN which was live broadcasting the Hopman cup. Joey slumped down on the couch and Rayna took a seat beside her. placing the bowl full of popcorn between them, she unmuted the television. The commentators were discussing past matches as the players walked onto the court.

'From Switzerland, welcome Belinda Bencic and the greatest of all, Roger Federer.'

The crowd roared in response as the players walked upto the chairs.

'And now from Germany WTA star Andrea Petkovic and the latest sensation in the world of men's tennis, Sascha Zverev.'

''I hate it when they call him that. Why can't they call him Alexander or Alex?'', said Joey, eyes trained on the TV, lips curled in a frown. Joey loved, loved, loved Alexander Zverev. She was a 15 year old teenager so of course, she thought he was cute. But she also loved his game. His serve was Joey's favourite out of all players'. Rayna simply nodded, focusing on the TV where the players had started warming up and their stats accompanied their figures on the TV screen.

Rayna's favourite player had always been and would always be Roger Federer. She had only sen him play in real life once - Wimbledon 2007. ever since that day Rayna had been in awe of this man who moved with a grace of a panther, who commanded respect as soon a he walked on the court. But Rayna agreed that Zverev deserved all the attention he seemed to be getting. He played well and he seemed like a good human in general.

The match started and the sisters got sucked into the world of yellow balls, hard courts and double faults. The match ended with Switzerland winning and moving further. Roger had been sublime like always but it was Zverev who impressed her. He was funny, strong, quick and yes, those blue eyes, lean structure and blond hair made it look like he had walked out of an Abercombie & Fitch magazine.

''I am sorry I was being a witch earlier today.'' Joey said quietly, looking at Rayna.

''You okay now?'', Rayna asked, eyeing the hand that was placed on Joey's abdomen.

Joey nodded and smiled a little. ''Then come here you stupid woman.'' Rayna said with a smile and pulled Joey in a hug.

The last two years without their parents had been hard on both of them but especially Joey. She was so young, she needed her father and mother but a drunk teenager had taken them away from her. Rayna knew she had to be strong for both of them; she was he adult after all. But it wasn't always easy. They argued on little things; Rayna had her own life to live, friends to meet up with, college to go to. But above all Rayna and Joey loved each other and she knew they were going to be okay.


The next morning, Rayna got up early in the morning, earlier than she usually did. She took a nice, long shower thinking about all the things she had to do today. By the time she was done getting ready, it was time to wake up Joey. She knocked before entering to find Joey already up and ready. ''Good morning, Ray.'' Joey wished with a bright smile, her backpack slinging over her right shoulder.

''Good morning. You seem awfully cheery this morning.'' said Rayna with a suspicious look on her face. Rayna was not a morning person, she never had been but Joey loved mornings. But this was too cheery even for her.

''A girl can't wake up happy now?'' Joey said with an amused smile walking past Rayna. Rayna simply followed her to the kitchen and poured them tea while Joey toasted and buttered breads. ''I mean you are usually sad when someone you are rooting for loses so...'' Rayna trailed off.

Joey simply shrugged,''Sure I was sad but then I was like he got to Roger at such a huge tournament and now everyone knows he is truly talented so win-win.'' with that the conversation ended. They had their breakfast in silence and then Rayna drove Joey to school before driving herself to college.


Ever since Rayna was a kid she had been fascinated with music. There were home videos of her as a 3 year old toddler dancing to The Beatles or The Backstreet Boys. They were her mother's favourite bands. Then there was her father- a Berklee alumni. He loved music as much as he loved her mother; if possible even more. He used to spend hours listening to Bach, Beethoven and Rayna grew up with music all around her.

She participated in school plays, musicals and when the time came to think about her future, she knew with every fibre of her being, making music is what she wanted to do. She still remembered the day she got the early acceptance letter from JULLIARD. She had cried happy tears for the first time. Her parents had been so proud; they had celebrated till midnight, with music of course.

She was supposed to meet her friends at a café five minutes away from college. She parked her car in her daily spot and entered the café. A quick scan of the café and she spotted her little group of music nerds. Tamara's flaming red hair was difficult to miss out. Along with that, Chester's 6'6'' structure stood out wherever they went. Lana seemed to missing which could only mean one thing- she was running late again.

Rayna made her way to their table and gave everyone a quick hug. ''I need tea. Lots of it.'' Rayna said as she took a seat beside Chester. Her early morning seemed to be catching up with her.

''Let me guess, late tennis match?'' asked Tamara with a raised eyebrow.

''You know it.'' replied Rayna with a smile. ''I'll get it.'' said Chester and went off to go buy Rayna a tea before she could say anything. ''You really should give him a chance, you know. I mean what is the harm? he is cute, smart and a complete gentleman.'' said Tamara leaning over the table to lightly smack Rayna's head.

''I don't like him that way, Tamara. I never will. If I do try and this doesn't work out, I'll lose his as a friend. I don't want that to happen. Ever.'' Rayna replied with a sigh.

''What are you guys talking about?'' a high pitched voice asked and Rayna and Tamara turned their heads to find Lana standing with he hands folded. To say Lana's choice of clothes was weird was an understatement. She wore a green sweater with a peter pan collar with skin tight leggings with a galaxy print. Her blonde hair was braided in a fish tail, lips lined with a violet colour and nails painted a neon pink. Rayna could not help but smile. Lana was an absolute sweet heart; all her friends were. she did not know what she would have done without them the last two years. They had helped her with Joey and college work.

''Nothing sexy lady. Come sit.'' said Tamara with a grin. Lana, rolling her eyes, took a seat beside Tamara and asked,''Where's lover boy?''

Rayna groaned at the nick name,''Please do not call him that. Ever.''

''Call who what? And here you go, Ray.'' said Chester with a smile. Chester was the only one besides Joey who called her that. She didn't mind it.

''Nothing. Rayna was begging me not to call you lover boy.'' Lana replied in a bored voice as Tamara stifled a laugh and Rayna choked on her tea. ''Ever.'' she added as an after thought.

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