//T h e T r u t h//

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Thursday arrived with a sense of urgency. Rayna had to confirm the program schedule with Mr. Tate and Natasha, give Joey the good news about the younger Zverev, decide on a song for her solo act and most importantly, talk to her friend, Tamara.

Joey was already putting on tea, when Rayna walked into the kitchen. "Morning Ray." Joey wished, and a yawn followed.

"Long night?" Rayna asked, grabbing some OJ while nibbling on her toast.

"Yeah. I just couldn't sleep properly." Joey complained, taking seat at the dining table and pouring herself some juice.

"Well, Natasha called yesterday, while you were asleep. Turns out she likes the idea of me being a part of the program and oh yes, Alexander Zverev will be coming too." 

The revelation was met with a strong fit of cough from Joey who had been gulping down OJ. Rayna rushed over ti her side and started patting her back. A few seconds later, Joey could breathe normally.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Joey exclaimed, jumping out of her seat almost knocking down the bottle full of OJ. It was exactly the reaction Rayna had expected except for the part where her baby sister choked.

"Yes. She called me up yesterday to tell me Alexander Zverev will be the professional tennis player accompanying a few other guests from the New York Tennis Association." Rayna informed her still grinning like a maniac. An excited one.

Joey was smiling too and she flung her arms around Rayna to hug her. The action was sudden enough that Rayna unconsciously took a step back and rhe kitchen island dug into her waist. "Ouch. Okay, you're hurting me now." 

"You're the best Ray. I love you." Joey said and pulled back. The wide smile seemed to be permanently plastered on her face. 

"I love you too. Now let's get moving or we're both gonna be late." Rayna said, taking off the tea from the stove and pouring some out for herself and her sister.


Rayna tried her hardest to find Tamara but in vain. She wasn't at her locker or at the cafe or in the canteen. Rayna wasn't sure if she had even come to college. All her calls went unanswered and now worry was starting to creep in, ruining her good mood. 

"Hey, Ray!" Chester's voice calling out to her made Rayna turn back and she saw Lana and Chester making their way over to where she was standing. 

"Hey, have you seen Tamara? She's not answering my calls." Lana said and it looked like she was trying really hard to not worry about it.

Rayna shook her head and told them all about her argument with Tamara. "Nah uh. Tamara would never say something like that. Something's wrong." Said Lana, trying her cell once more.

"Maybe we should go to her place?" Chester suggested. His eyebrows were pinched with worry as he gave Rayna a small, reassuring smile. 

"Yes! Let's go now." Lana said with determination in her voice.

"You mean bunk college?" Chester said, clearly unconfortable with the idea but his eyes revealed his worry for Tamara's well being.

"You know what, let's do it." Rayna said. "If missing a day's work is what it takes then so be it. But I gotta go meet Mr. Tate and Natasha about the event."

"You go ahead Rayna, we got this. I'll call you when we reach there. Promise." Lana said giving her a quick hug.

Chester gave a quick nod and followed Lana and they both disappeared from Rayna's view. Rayna hated feeling helpless. And that's exactly how she felt right now.

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