//D a t e//

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Rayna and Alexander sat in the back of the cab stifling smiles as the cab driver complained about the "ridiculous" music on the radio.

Since Alexander couldn't drive he had booked a cab to get them to the restaurant. "I hope it's okay." He said with an apologetic look in his eyes.

"No, it's completely fine. Don't bother." Rayna replied truthfully. "Where are we going?"

Alexander shot her a playful smile. "Wait and see."

Rayna smiled brightly and looked out the window. She was glad she had agreed to this. Her heart seemed to race everytime Alexander gave her a smile.

The cab came to a stop. "Wait." Alexander said as Rayna reached for the door handle. He quickly got out of the car and opened her side of the door. Rayna let out a laugh.


"My pleasure." Zverev said with a smile.

The cab turned back on as Rayna looked to her left. "No way."

"Welcome. I just thought it'd be appropriate since this is where we first met." Alexander said with a boyish grin. Alexander must have confused Rayna's silence for disappointment because his expression twisted into one of slight panic. "Or we could go somewhere else. Anywhere."

"No, no. It's perfect." Rayna said quickly shooting him a reassuring smile.

"No, we can really go somewhere else."

"Alexander, listen." Rayna said. He looked up at Rayna's face. "This is great. It's pretty sweet actually. Okay? Let's go."

The smile returned on his face as he offered his arm. "Let's go."

Rayna took it. His arm was warm against her bare hand as they walked into the restaurant.

"Hi. We have a table booked here. Alexander Zverev." The receptionist checked her register and then beckoned a waiter to show them their table.

Rayna could here the piano playing as they walked to thier table, her boots screeching against the marble floor. "I'm Jake and I'll be your waiter for today. I'll be back in two minutes."

Placing menu booklets on the table, he swiftly disappeared. Rayna reached out to pull her chair when Alexander stopped her. "Let me." He slowly pulled her chair and helped Rayna settle in.

"So, we're here." Alexander said.

"Yep." Rayna said fidgeting with her napkin. "I hope you don't mind me taking your number from Joey."

"Not at all. I'm glad you changed your mind about going out with me." Alexander said.

Rayna raised an eyebrow. "You didn't say anything about this being a date. You said it was just lunch."

"Well, it's not a date." Alexander said, raising an eyebrow, too. "Not unless you want it to be. Do you, Rayna?" He asked leaning over the table. His blue eyes sparkled with mirth but there was a seriousness in his tone that made Rayna's throat dry.

"I'm going to go to the washroom." Rayna said breaking eye contact. She got up and walked to the bathroom swiftly.

Unless you want it to be.

Alexander's words replayed in Rayna's mind as she tried to convince herself that he was just kidding. Probably.

When she returned, Alexander seemed to be ending a call with someone. "Sorry." He apologised.

"Nah, it's okay." Rayna said.

"The waiter came while you were gone but I didn't just wanna assume so he'll come back in sometime." Alexander said.

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