//A d m i s s i o n s//

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The next morning Rayna got up around her usual time. It was her last day of college before the short vacation she was taking to Prague.

Prague. Just thinking about it made Rayna excited. It was thrilling; going to another country for a whole week to watch her friend play with Roger Federer. Rayna still couldn't believe ahe had agreed to it.

Joey was supposed to leave today at around six thirty. So as soon as the bell rang, she bid her friends goodbye and quickly left.

By the time she reached home, Joey had already packed her bags.

"Are you sure you packed everything?" Rayna asked, fussing over her packed bag.

"Yes. Don't open it, Ray." Joey said with an exasperated sigh.

"Did you keep your charger?"




"Money? You should probably keep a little extra."

"No. I have enougu to last me two trips there, okay?" Joey said with a amused look.

Rayna sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous."

Joey took a seat beside her. "You don't have to be. I'll be okay."

Rayna shook her head. "I know. Just that, Mom always did this for me, you know. And I just...don't want to mess it up."

Joey rested her head against Rayna's shoulder and squeezed her hand. "You're doing great. I promise."

Rayna smiled. "Let's get you to school then."


It had taken a lot of will power on Rayna's side to not give her sister one last hug. But Joey had strictly warned her against it, and Rayna didn't want to argue right before she left.

When she pulled into her driveway, she found Lana and Tamara waiting for her.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked as they walked into the house.

"We're here to help you pack, of course." Tamara said. "Lana thought we should be here in case you pack like a 100 year old nun."

"I don't remember saying that." Lana said in a flat tone making Tamara snort.

Rayna rolled her eyes. "Thanks for the confidence guys. I have to make a call, though."

They nodded and headed to upstairs to wait for her in her room.

Rayna dialled Sascha's number and it rang twice before he picked up.

"Please say yes."

"Hello to you too." Rayna said with a laugh.

"Sorry. Hey. So now, is it a yes?" Sascha's voice sounded hopeful and Rayna's heart did the skip-a-beat thing that had now become so familiar.

"Yes." Rayna said.

"YES!" He exclaimed into the phone making Rayna wince. "Sorry. So when are you two, uh, arriving?"

"Well, it's just me. Joey had a school trip. I-I hope it's okay."

When Sascha didn't reply immediately, Rayna's heart sank. What if he thinks, its too awkward?

"I'm sorry I should have told you before." Rayna said her hand starting to sweat.

"No, no, it's great. I mean, Joey would have loved it here but that's okay. We'll have fun too." Sascha said and he truly sounded okay with it so Rayna relaxed.

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