// P l a y e r s N i g h t G a l a //

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"Eva, you look utterly stunning." Rayna gushed as Eva stepped out of the bathroom in a pink floral dress that hit her knees with black straps. "To say you look radiant would be an understatement."

Eva blushed. "That's too sweet."

Rayna gave out a chuckle. "Let me put on my dress and I'll help you with your hair."

Rayna had decided on a sleveless full length red dress with a black belt. Matched with black heels and a cute clutch that Eva was lending her, Rayna was ready to meet Roger Federer.

"Leave it open or...?" Eva asked.

"Nah. Leave it." Rayna advised. "It looks better that way."

"You too. Its gonna knock Sascha right off his feet." Eva said in a coy tone.


"Yes, yes. Just friends. Let's go. Mischa's already texted me like ten times." Eva said.

Rayna smiled. "I'm meeting Roger Federer."

"Let's go, crazy fan." Eva mocked.


Rayna was buzzing with excitement as they pulled into the driveway of the hotel hosting the gala. She could hear the chatter of people and the shutter tones of cameras.

"Rayna?" Mischa said. "Stick with us. The press can be a bit too much sometimes."

Rayna nodded. Eva looped her arm through Rayna's as Mischa led them through a different entry than the main one as there were no journalists waiting there.

The banquet room was on the upper floor. As Mischa pushed open the doors for Eva and Rayna, the cold AC air hit her arms makinf goosebumps appear on her arms.

"Wow." Rayna whispered as she stepped into the room with Eva by her side.

"I know right." Eva whispered back.

The room was adorned with black and blood red coverings on walls. Men dressed in perfect-cut suits and tuxedos and women in designer dresses walked around with glasses of champagne.

"Hey guys." Sascha said as he walked up to them. "I thought you.." he trailed off as his eyes landed on Rayna.

"Hey." She acknowledged him with a smile.

"H-hi. You look....breath-taking." Sascha complimented, scratching the back of his neck. He was wearing a royal blue suit with black shoes, his blond hair combed for the first time.

"Thanks." Rayna said with a smile.

Mischa coughed. "Let's go to our table."

Sascha nodded finally taking his eyes off Rayna. "I just have to take a few pictures and I'll come back."

"Go ahead. I'll take care of your friend." Eva said, emphasising the last word.

Thr elder Zverev, Eva and Rayna headed towards one of the tables at the front of the stage. "Mirka." Mischa greeted and hugged the former tennis player.

"Its great seeing you after this long." She said with a smile hugging Mischa back.

She pulled back and greeted Eva the same way. Eva had left out the part where she knew Mirka Federer when they talked about tennis. Rayna's inner crazy fan was jumping to come out but she managed to remain calm as Mirka's eyes landed on her.

"And this is?" She asked in what Rayna assusmed was German.

"This is Rayna Williams. Sascha's friend." Mischa introduced.

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