//T h e G o o d b y e N o t e//

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"Its not a love letter, Joey." said Rayna, getting settled under the covers.

"Okay fine. YOU GOT A LOVE NOTE?" exclaimed Joey, shaking Rayna's shoulders.

"Okay, first of all stop screaming. And second....well yeah." said Rayna trying to hide the blush rising to her cheeks. She recounted the whole story of the singing gig and how she got the note.

"Wow, Rayna. This guy really seems to like you. I hope he's not some old creep." said Joey, making a disgusted face.

"He isn't. Apparently he's tall, really tall with blond hair. The receptionist gave me a description." said Rayna, taking the note from Joey's hand at tracing the 'A' with her index finger.

"He sounds cute. I hope you two meet someday in the future. It could be a romance for the books." said Joey, with an excited smile.

Rayna simply chuckled at her kiddish behaviour and placed the note in her bed side drawer. "Let's sleep. Today's been a long day."

"Good night." said Joey, giving Rayna a quick hug before rushing back to her room.


The next morning after class Lana caught up with her and Tamara as they walked towards their usual café. "Wait up, guys." called out Lana's voice.

"I didn't see you all morning. You feeling okay now?" asked Rayna as she passed Lana and Tamara a toffee each.

"Yeah. I do. Thanks for helping me out. Wouldn't want to lose that job, the manager is a sweetheart." said Lana popping in the toffee.

"Oh you missed all the drama, lady. Let's grab some coffee and...oh you'll love it." said Tamara clapping in excitement as they walked into the café. Lana shot Rayna a questioning look and she just shook her head.

After grabbing their orders, the girl walked over to their usual booth to find Chester lost in a book about musical theory.

"Hey Chester!" greeted Rayna. Chester looked up, startled, and a slow smile appeared on his lips as he spotted his friends.

"Hey guys." he said and slipped deeper into booth to let Rayna slide in. Tamara and Lana took seats opposite them.

"Okay, so what were you going to tell me?" asked Lana, sipping her tea.

And Rayna's stomach sank. She sneaked a glance at Chester who was looking at Tamara to tell whatever it is she wanted to share. Rayna had a feeling this would not end well. It's not like she could tell Tamara to not share the story. So she kept quiet hoping Chester would not react to it the way she had a feeling he was going to.

"Okay, so we, mostly Rayna, had to cover for Lana yesterday at the restaurant she works at. So she sang this amazing song in her heavenly voice and then while we were leaving guess what happened?" Tamara asked, raising her eyebrows with an excited smile on her face.

"What happened?" said Lana and Chester in unison, sporting identical amused smiles.

"She got this amazing and really sweet note from this guy who had been there." replied Tamara, waving her hands in excitement. Rayna felt Chester's demeanour change beside her.

"Oh its so sweet. The way he described listening to Rayna sing; "more beautiful than watching the northern lights" he said. Oh Lana, the poor guy is a goner for our girl." continued Tamara and went on to exaggerate a little bit more.

But Rayna's attention was on her friend sitting besid her. Rayna sneaked a quick glance at him. His body was rigid; his lips pursed, indicating that he was not a fan of the current conversation.

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