//T h e E v e n t (1)//

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Rayna and her friends ended up staying at Tamara's place till eight. They talked about everything and nothing, trying to keep Tamara's mind off of tomorrow.

Around eight they all bid goodbye to Tamara and her mother and went home. Rayna reached home, exhausted and worried about the result and the event which seemed like a burden all of a sudden.

"Hey, where have you been?" Joey asked as Rayna entered the kitchen to get some water.

"Tamara's." Rayna replied, chugging down milk instead.

"Oh so you guys sorted it out." Joey asserted with a smile.

"Yeah but..." Rayna narrated the day's events and by the end a tear ran down her face. "Why, Joey? She deserves so much better than this."

"Ray, I'm so sorry." Joey rushed to her sister's side and hugged her. The sisters knew the pain of losing parents and they would never want a loved one to ever go through something like that.

"I just want to be there for her you know and I have got the event tomorrow which now feels stupid and I hate that." Rayna said, wiping away her tears and pulling back.

"Ray, Ray, look at me." Joey said in a stern voice and Rayna looked up. Her sister's eyes were the same dark black ones as their mother's, the same fierceness, too.

"You're going to go out there to the event tomorrow and you're gonna rock it. You will do your best cause its a great opportunity and it's who you are. Tamara is going to be okay cause she's strong and she has Lana and Chester with her, okay?"

Rayna nodded and Joey smiled. "Come on, let's have dinner. I ordered Indian."


Friday arrived and Rayna got up at thirty minutes past six. She had slept like a baby last night. And now that she was up, she wanted to do her best at the event. She said a quick prayer to God to look after Tamara's mother and got ready. Religion had never really been a big part of Rayna's life but she did believe in God.

She drove Joey to school and drove to the NGO office which was a five minute drive away from college. Rayna had asked everyone participating in today's event to meet her there at eight 'o' clock.

"Rayna! Good morning." Natasha greeted her as she walked into the office. It was a in a three storeyed building, the NGO using the first and the second floor.

"Good morning, Natasha. Are my classmates here yet?" Rayna asked.

"Yes, two girls did arrive. Let me show you where they are." Natasha said and guided her through a glass door.

They enetered a room that was completely devoid of furniture with white walls. "Whoa. It's bigger than I thought it would be." Rayna admitted. The room was huge with the centralised AC and a flight of stairs led to the second floor, in the extreme left.

There was a temporary platform that was going to be the stage. Stella and Rhea were seated at the edge and seemed to be in deep conversation. When Rayna walked in, they both looked up,"Hey, Rayna."

"Hey, guys. So is everything sorted?" Rayna asked placing her backpack and the additional bag that carried her clothes on a chair nearby.

"Yeah, lets do this." The sisters got up and took their place at the centre of the stage. Rayna wirelessly connected her laptop to the speakers they had borrowed from Julliard which were placed at platforms between the first and the second floor.

The sisters gave her a cue and Rayna played the music to which they were supposed to dance. It had been produced by them, a blissful mix of drums, bass and a flute.

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