Chapter 13

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                        What happened?
Colby-"what happened?"
Me-"what do you mean what happened?"
Colby-"how did you get that cut?"
Me-"when I went to jump I heard my stepdad coming upstairs and I jumped and I missed the trampoline and I cut my leg on a nail or a rock on the ground.."
Colby-"oh my god!"

He starts to tear up and he gets up and he lays down beside me on the hospital bed and he nuzzles his head on my neck..

Sam-"why aren't you guys a couple yet?"

I giggled and same with Colby but he was to lazy to lift up his head and say something..I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him when he cuddled me

Colby-"I'm glad you're ok"
Me-"same here, idiot"
Colby-"that's not very nice!"
Me-"I'm kidding, I'm kidding"

It was just silent for a few minutes until the nurse came in:

Nurse-"Skyler, you are now free to go...I suggest you don't go to school for a few days..or don't walk around because you don't want to rip the stitches"
Me-"ok, thank you"
Nurse-"no problem, hun"

I tried to get up but I sharp pain went straight up my leg and I let out a eyes started to water a little bit...and Colby came and lifted me up gently and carried me to the exit to the hospital and we went to the car...Sam went and opened the door and Colby gave me to Sam and once Colby got in the back seat Sam passed me to Colby, Colby put his arm around my waist and I started to blush a little he realized and giggled at bit

Sam-"do you wanna go to Brennens?"
Sam-"ok...TO BRENNENS!"

I giggled a bit...the boys can be such goofs especially Colby haha I wish Colby would feel the same way I felt about him
      *at Brennen's apartment building*

Yet again Colby carried me up the stairs and then we made it to Brennen's...Colby literally knocked on the door 30 times until Brennen answered...he looked like he had just woken up...he was in sweats and his hair was messy...and also had no shirt on.

Me-"we wanted to see you"
Brennen-"oh ok....come in"

Colby set me down to see if I could walk...I stumbled a little bit but I was ok...I walked over to the couch and Kobe seen me and he freaked out and jumped on the couch and he didn't mean to step on my stitches...I yelped a little bit and Colby ran over to me

Colby-"are you ok?!"
Me-"ya Kobe just stepped on my stitches by mistake"
Me-"I cut my thigh and I had to get stitches"
Brennen-"with a knife?"
Me-"no...I don't know what I cut in was something very sharp"
Brennen-"oh ok"

I continued to pet Kobe and then he and I fell asleep on the couch

Colby's P.O.V
Her and Kobe looked so cute snuggled up on the couch...I really didn't want to wake her..but we had to go to our apartment...I'll give her 30 minutes to sleep...I hope her legs won't be sore when she gets up..
                      *30 minutes later*
I had to wake her up now...I feel bad but I have to, we have to get to the apartment before midnight..

Me-"hey skyyyy wake up...we have to go to the apartment.."
Skyler-"no I want to sleeppppp"
Me-"come can sleep in the car"

She got up really fast and she almost fell over...but I caught her just in time..this time I didn't carry her I just put my arm around her waist and walked her to the car...she was half asleep, but it was cute
we made it to the car on time before she fell asleep...when I got in the car she put her head on my lap and curled up into a ball and fell right back to sleep.
It was a very quiet 20 minute car right until Sam mentioned:

Sam-"we should start a YouTube channel.."
Me-"ya...we can make videos with Brennen and sky"
Sam-"ya we would have so much fun!"
Me-"we can do pranks..—"
Sam-"we should buy a house and live together"
Me-"what about her stepdad...he wouldn't let her"
Sam-"we can ask her mom"
Me-"ya good idea"

We finally made it to our apartment building and I just carried Skyler to our room...I just put her in my room and I slept on the couch..I just hope she gets a goodnight sleep.

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