Chapter 26

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Me-"what do you want?"
Colby-"you disgusting pig"
Danny-"you...stay away from her!"
Me-"Danny! You stay away from him..and from me, or else you'll regret it"
Sam-"come on guys...let's go sit down"

We all walked away and Colby grabbed my hand a held it once we sat down in the rows of rock hard chairs
Danny was giving me a death glare
it kinda creeped me out but I was chill

*skipping the funeral*

Everyone was gathering around the coffin and tears were streaming down there faces
I barley had nothing yet
my hero, my best friend, my everything and my mother of 18 years is gone...but at least she's somewhere where she is happy.

*At the apartment*

We walked in the apartment and all I felt was nothing...I just wanted to sleep forever

Colby-"you want to take a nap?"
Me-"ya..I should shower first to get some things off my mind..then I'll take a nap"
Colby-"ok...I'll be in the bedroom..I'll just be on my laptop"
Me-"ok :)"

I finally smiled. I haven't smiled ever since I don't even know when
I'm just glad that I live with two amazing people.
I walked into the bathroom and turned on the hot water
while I was waiting for it to warm up I grabbed some clothes out of my bag and set them near the sink on the floor
I stripped out of my clothes and hopped in the shower.
I felt the steaming hot water hit and drip down my soft skin
I was thinking of him...Colby, that's who I was thinking of...I rinsed my hair with shampoo and conditioner and then washed it out..once I was finished..I put on my clothes

I just chose something comfortable that I could just relax in

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I just chose something comfortable that I could just relax in...I put my hair in a messy bun even though my hair was wet.
I walked into the room and Colby was just wearing sweat pants and socks. No shirt. Just socks and sweat pants

Colby-"hey...feel any better?"
Me-"ya I guess"
Colby-"we'll that's good..come here"
Colby-"just come here...please?"

I walked over to him dragging my feet on the floor

Colby-"I want cuddles"
Me-"well I want some sleep"
Colby-"you can cuddle me andddd sleep"

I flopped onto the bed and Colby grabbed my waist and dragged me towards me..he wrapped his warm and strong arms around me and then I fell asleep

*Colby's P.O.V*

She flopped down beside me..but she was too far away and I wanted cuddles, so I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to me..and then I wrapped my arms around her and she snuggled up on my chest and fell asleep...she is so cu—


Her phone was ringing...she never woke up from it so I grabbed her phone off the night stand and answered

Danny-"hello...why are you with her?!"
Me-"what do you want from me Danny?"
Danny-"I want her...she's mine not yours!"

I stayed quiet for a minute...why does he treat her like this...I can treat her better than he can, I don't hurt her, drug her, do bad things to her and I don't force her to do bad things that she doesn't want to do
I'm better then that monster

Me-"how are you gonna get her? don't know where I live"
Danny-"why'd you pick up the phone?"
Me-"she's sleeping...why?"
Danny-"when she wakes up...tell her to come home because I'm moving somewhere far away, and she's coming with me no matter what"

I didn't have any time to say anything before he hung up...he's moving away..but she has to come with him...she's not going anywhere with him, god knows what he'll do to her.

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