Chapter 40

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                        Officially in L.A
We finally landed in L.A from like a 10 hour flight...I took a 2 hour nap on the plane on Colby's shoulder, I played a game on my phone for 3 hours, I slept again for 4 hours and then Colby and I just talked for 1 hour...ya that's what I basically did.

Colby-"oh god! I regret wearing a sweater and sweat pants"
Me-"Same here! It's so hot!!"
Sam-"should've been smart like me and wore shorts and a tee shirt"

Colby and I just glared at Sam, Sam just put his hands up in the air and turned around.

Sam-"we have to go get our luggage now."
Me-"ughhhhhhh I'm so tired!!"
Colby-"didn't you sleep the most of the way here?"
Me-"yes. But I'm still tired"
Sam-"who was picking us up again?"
Colby-"Elton is"

I was standing there half asleep..and I felt dizzy

Colby-"Skyler! Stay awake!!"
Me-"no I'm tired."

He looked at me for a second and lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder.

Colby-"Sam can you go get the luggage?"

Colby was walking around with me on his shoulder trying to find Elton

Elton-"over here man!"
Colby-"oh hey man!! How are you?"

Colby set me down and I just sat on the floor

Elton-"I'm good, how are you?"
Colby-"I'm good"
Me-"Colbyyyyyy I'm tiredddd"
Colby-"Skyler get up, you look likes two year old on the floor"
Elton-"someone tired?"
Colby-"yes! She slept for 2 hours and then played on her phone for 3 hours, then she fell asleep for 4 hours"
Elton-"Jesus! How are you tired?"

We just laughed and I was still sitting on the floor...I heard groaning and walking, it was Sam with all the luggage

Elton-"you need help dude?"
Sam-"yes please"
Colby-"ok time to get up now"

He whispered to himself 'fine then'
And he picked me up off the floor so I was over his shoulder again

Colby-"come on guys...let's go!"


We all got into the car, I was laying in the back with my head on Colby's lap sleeping while Sam and Elton were in the front seats.
Yet again, this is gonna be another long ride.

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