Chapter Two

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Picture of Rory Grey on the side.


It wasn't long before Martin busted through my bedroom doors looking all too excited for tonight's events. I couldn't blame him though, his father was killed on this night by a rogue defending his mate from us -- the killers.

"Rory, come on and get up. Alpha Luke is finally making the announcement for the hunt. Better grab some left over knives before they're all gone. You missed all the good ones since you decided to sleep during the preperation." He said while bouncing on the balls of his feet.

I groaned throwing my legs over my bed and pulling my shoulder length hair back for a ponytail. I grabbed my leather jeans, black tank top, and leather jacket before looking over to Martin who wore almost the same thing. In the hunt, it was mandatory to wear all black. Black representing death.

"I'll just go change and be right out. You can head out without me." I said as calmly as I could. On the inside my bones were turning to mesh and I could feel bile pressing at the back of my throat. This could not be happening.

I do not want this!

My wolf was anxious in my mind. I could not communicate with her like you see in most stories. She only gave me signs and her feelings when something big was about to happen. Such as my life being threatened by the enemy or if I would happen to find my mate.

You were eligible to find your mate when you turned sixteen because your wolf would be able to sense them but mine has yet to come. I didn't really have any specific feelings towards not finding him. When I did, I would love him no matter what. Waiting didn't bother me.

As I finished zipping my leather jacket on, I looked at myself in the mirror once before not having the nerve to look in my eyes and see what I was about to do.

Deep breaths I told myself.

I walked slowly through the pack house, taking my time going down the stairwell and running my fingers over everything, just trying to delay a little more. But everything comes to end at some point.

When I was finally in the field with the rest of my pack and the neighboring, the commencement was already in full swing. Members of the pack were shouting along with my father as he worked the crowd and adrenaline was pumping in high doses.

"We are the top of the food chain! We are stronger, faster, and more prepared for this than any rogue could ever be! We are a PACK and that is our strongest asset!" My father roared to the crowd

People swayed and jumped in the air hooting and hollering along with my father's words as I carefully made my way through the compacted bodies of wolves holding sharp and dangerous weapons.

I spotted Martin and considered moving to stand next to him, but the hungry look in his eyes made me think different. I can't watch him kill somebody.

"And now it is time!" My father spoke as he tilted his head to the moon and smiled. He actually looked pretty creepy, but there wasn't any time to think of that because the next thing I know everyone is howling at the moon and then taking off full speed into the woods.

This is it, oh my, this is it. I don't want this.

I quickly kept my pace up with the other members as we ran full speed onto 'no man's land'; Rogue territory.

Once we were close, I slowed down to barely a normal walking pace, successfully putting myself in the back if the group. My eyes were wide, waiting for the next move.

It wasn't what I was expecting though. There wasn't a mass of murders happening all at once, like rogues just standing there waiting to be slaughtered. They were hiding and I could only thank God for the delay and hopefully we would never find them.

As everyone started slowing down and coming to a rest in an open field another Alpha, who I recognized as Alpha Scott from the Northern pack Midnight Sky, made an announcement.

"The rogues are getting better with their hiding, but nothing can beat a pack" He said as he laughed cruelly. I felt myself shiver when I looked into his dark green eyes and saw nothing but excitement.

"So," he continued "We will split up into groups of two and sniff them out. You all know what to do next." He sneered as everyone made their ways to find partners while I just stood in a stiff pose, praying there wouldn't be anybody left for me so I could go hide under a rock.

That was until I was roughly shoved from the back. I growled catching my footing and turned around, ready to pounce on the attacker but quickly recognized the ice cool blue eyes of Martin.

"Need a partner? That's okay, because I saved myself for you." He said smiling and I couldn't help but hear the double meaning. I ignored it.

"Yeah, I guess I was waiting to make sure everyone had a partner first." I said while pushing the stray hairs back into my ponytail.

"I didn't get a chance to grab a knife, do you have an extra?" I asked Martin. Not that I planned on using it, but it would look suspicious. That's right. I've decided not to kill anyone tonight. If anything, I would help them get away without exposing myself. Now all I have to do is lose Martin.

"Tsk tsk, Rory. You know it's too dangerous out here to be careless like that. Just because this is a celebration doesn't mean rogues aren't dangerous and haven't killed one of our own before." He scolded lightly.

"I understand, Martin." I responded with a blank look. He looked at me suspiciously before asking me if I was any better from earlier today. I locked his worries away by telling him it was just the nerves as we made our way out into the wilderness with the knife weighing heavily in it's holding place.


We were four hours into the hunt with no sign of any rogue, much to Martin's displeasure. Me on the other hand, I was grateful and hopefully it stayed like this all night.

"Don't worry, Rory, we'll catch one soon." He said, thinking that he was pleasing me but it was the opposite.

I was about to respond when we heard a crack in the woods beyond us. Martin immedialty pushed me down so we were both laying on our stomachs looking out into the pitch black when we finally saw it. A girl maybe sixteen was running in our direction with a terrified look on her face. She wore what looked like a once white dress that was shredded towards the bottom.

I felt Martin shift and turned to see him pull out a dagger which gleamed in the moonlight. My eyes widened in horror and I did the one thing I knew would get me killed.

I snatched the knife from his hand and rolled on top of him, straddling him.

"Rory, what are you--?"

"Shut up! I can't do this! This is wrong! Don't you feel any guilt for taking an innocent life?!" I said pleadingly.

He only stared at me in confusion before his eyes went black with anger.

"Traitor" he whispered before throwing me off so hard I hit a tree full force.

I groaned rolling over as I opened my eyes to see Martin making his way towards the girl who was crawling backwards to a tree with a tear streaked face.

"Martin, no!" I screamed. I stood up and used inhuman speed to reach him before he got to her. I slammed into Martin and we both hit the hard surface of a tree. Before he had time to react I slipped the knife out of it's holding place and plunged it into his shoulder so hard his feet were dangling and his body was supported by the dagger holding him in place. He wouldn't be getting that out for a couple of days. He roared in agony and I felt tears prick my eyes.

"I am so sorry, Martin." I wishispered before bringing my elbow to his face, successfully knocking him out. I was a small girl but I still had Alpha blood in me.

And then I turned to the girl who as soon as we made eye contact, screamed so loud birds flew from the tree tops.


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