Chapter Eight

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It had been a day since my last encounter with Mikah.

As one could've guessed, I did end up getting lost but luckily caught Annabel's scent, it was faint but getting stronger with each turn and twist inside the hallways. I had followed it all the way to a wooden black door in one of the many hallways. I knew it wasn't her room, because her door was a wooden plank like my own.

Cautiously I knocked once, praying it wasn't a rogue who wanted to kill me. Who was I kidding? I'm sure they all wanted to kill me. I was alone in a hallway with a face stained of dry tears already. The last thing I needed was to get into a brutal fight with someone I was supposed to becoming 'one' with. Surely, Jenna would kick me out then if I did.

But my luck wasn't with me. The door opened only to reveal Kyle, who was Annabel's mate. He had blonde hair and sharp grey eyes. He was an attractive fellow but I never saw more then angry and suspicious looks from him. Our first and last meeting wasn't the smoothest and he didn't try to hide the fact that he hated me with fiery passion.

His grey eyes reached my face and I saw recognition flicker through them and while hearing an unnatural squeal of protest. I looked down to see his hand on the door knob which he crushed like a balled up piece of paper.

"I -- uh -- is Annabel here?" I asked tearing my eyes from the deformed door knob, praying he didn't plan to do that to me. I was in no shape for a fight.

He didn't say anything, only stared at me with a harsh glare. I shifted uncomfortably on my feet.

"No." He answered after awhile and disappointment flooded through me.

Great, what was I going to do now?

As he was about to close the door in my face, I heard it.

"Who's there?" Annabel asked in her cheery voice.

I quickly zoned in on Kyle with an accusing look. He sighed and looked back at me with the same gaze but fully pushed the door open to reveal Annabel.

I reluctantly moved my eyes from Kyle, wanting to give him a good kick in the gut for lying to me but I respected Annabel. Maybe even more than respect, I liked her. So, injuring her mate was off the list, I didn't want to hurt her.

Annabel looked away from Kyle, finally focusing on me. The smile she had instantly slipped from her face when she saw my condition. She came barreling towards me and quickly threw her arms around me, mumbling that everything was going to be okay. I looked to Kyle who was visibly tensing.

I slowly pried myself from Annabel, looking at her mate square in the eyes who narrowed his in return. I had to get along with these people; I was going to stay here now. This was my home and whether me or them liked it or not, we were going to be seeing a lot of each other. Guess I should start here now, right?

"I would never hurt her, you know? I've never even killed anyone before. You have nothing to fear from me." I said as firmly as I could. The look he was giving me was making it hard not to spin on my heel and run away with my tail between my legs.

I looked down to Annabel who was giving me a look with so much admiration and awe I felt myself give a half smile back, even though my day had been crap.

"There is everything to fear from you." Kyle finally responded "but if my mate so chooses to be in your company, I will not stop her, but" he continued on with a deathly promise hidden in his words "if she comes back to me after being in your company anyway harmed, I will not hesitate to rip you to pieces." He warned.

"Kyle!" Annabel scolded disapprovingly. Kyle looked at her lovingly with soft eyes. My stomach clenched with jealousy.

"We're leaving" Annabel said after their staring competition "we'll be in my room and I'll leave my link to you open."

Kyle nodded his head before turning and giving me a look that said "I'm serious" before finally turning and closing his door.

Once we were in Annabel's room I plopped down on her bed throwing my body back and staring at the ceiling.

"Spill." She said.

And I did. Everything from my suspicions about Jenna and Mikah, to the blue eyed male whose name I never got, to my new body guard, and the events that happened between Mikah and I.

It felt like the world had been lifted from my shoulders. Being able to talk with someone was releasing all the pent up anger I had confined to my small body. Annabel silently listened to everything, waiting for me to finish and when I finally did, she came to the bed and wrapped a single arm around my shoulders.

"He cares," she spoke softly "he's just being an idiot because of our past."

I looked at her confused "past?" I asked

She bit her lip "Mikah should be the one to tell you since he remembers everything while I, on the other hand, was still a young pup. But I can tell you that Jenna and my brother did once have a relationship. It was long ago." She began while jealousy ripped through me "they dated for maybe a month before Mikah broke it off. I think he dated her out of pity and because he was upset about not having found his mate. Jenna had always been extremely drawn to Mikah and he finally took advantage of that for his own purposes, but I know he never loved her."

Her eyes held sympathy and I wanted to look away but for some reason I couldn't be mad. I wanted to be, but instead I felt sad for not being here for him. He was searching for me and was never found until now, and then to find out there is a legitimate reason in his past for not accepting me.

That raised more questions but I bit my tongue. I'd just have to ask Mikah when the time was right.

"Thank you" I said smiling to Annabel

She smiled one of her own bright smiles "You're welcome. I'll always be here for you. But, now that Jenna said you have to be 'one' with us we have to be extra careful." She said in a serious tone

"Why?" I asked cautiously. My heart sped up with panic.

"The Hunt is over for now until next year which means training. We start tomorrow and I won't be surprised if every wolf here wants you as a partner so they could take the chance to seriously injure you." She said

My eyes widened with surprise.

"Well, good thing I know how to fight." I said with a mischievous smile "Bring it on."


I wrote this chapter dedicated to my very good friend! It's her birthday, so here you go and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

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