Chapter Five

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I heard voices.

Muffeled, but voices none the less.

I slowly opened my eyes, clamping my teeth together tightly to stop a painful groan from escaping my lips. Up above me was.. rock? Or atleast that's what it looked like. I turned my head to see where I was only to notice more rock and one small bed side table with a lit candle producing a small amount of light. There was no bed, but I was laying on a mat; no pillow or blanket.

I came to the conclusion that I was indeed in a cave of some sort. Thinking back to the last memories I have I couldn't help but mentally face palm mysef. Of course I was their prisoner!

I slowly began to lift myself from the hard ground but this time I couldn't stop the low groan escaping. My head literally felt like it was going to explode.

I examined my body, pleased with seeing the cuts and bruises were fading away nicely, but couldn't stop my face from scrunching up in disgust when I noticed the dirt and grime covering my body. I was still in the hunt's mandatory clothing but there were so many rips you could barely say it was acceptable as clothing.

How did I get here? I was sure that as soon as I fainted, Annabel and Mikah would've left me to die in the woods, or atleast Mikah would. I think Annabel and I could be forming some type of bond so she probably dragged me here alone.

I sighed bringing my body to stand up. Laying here thinking of answers wasn't going to help. I might as well go searching for them. I grabbed the little candle from the bed side table to help me see better in finding a door, but instead, came upon a piece of wood standing up and covering as a make-shift door for privacy - or to make sure I wouldn't escape without someone hearing.

I grumbled under my breath, bringing my hands to either side of the wooden door, ready to pull it away for some fresh air when I heard the voices once more.

I backed away instantly, not wanting to eavesdrop but then remembered I was a prisoner and they may be talking about what they were going to do with me. So I pressed my ear to the wood gently, trying not to make any noise.

"You shouldn't of brought her here. We need to kill her before she goes to her pack and tells them where we are in exchange to be accepted again." a womans voice said in an urgent tone.

I frowned at her words. My pack would never accept me again, let alone even listen to a word I'd say. Killing me on the other hand was my first guess so it didn't come as a surprise until I heard his voice.

"I agree" Mikah answered "We should kill her, but I don't think she would ever go back to her pack. Why don't we--"

I couldn't bear to listen any longer. I shoved my body away from the wood while my chest clenched painfully and angry tears stained my face. How dare he? I was his mate for crying out loud!

What were you expecting? My subconcious asked painfully.

Right. What was I expecting? For him to accept me regardless of who I am and where I come from? No. This isn't a fairytale and not everyone gets happy endings no matter how much right they do in a lifetime.

I turned around ready to crawl into a ball on the dirty mat and wait for my fate until I heard the wood start to creak.

Someone was coming in and I didn't plan to fight. How could I? There was only me with no weapons and with nowhere to go. Might as well give in.

I shut my eyes tightly when the door was finally open, waiting for the captor to grab me and showcase my execution to all other rogues, but his scent hit me and my eyes flew open only to connect with his chocolate brown orbs. He was looking at me with no emotion; a total blank face.

Hurt painfully spread through my body and a sob escaped my lips. For a second I thought I saw a flicker of emotion pass through him but when I looked again, there was nothing.

So he was going to kill me?

Anger replaced hurt and I let out a furios growl, bearing my teeth in his direction while positioning my body in a fighting stance.

Mikah shifted his feet and arched an eyebrow at me. He was about to say something but I didn't want to hear it. Rage consumed me and I pounced throwing my balled fist in the direction of his face, but Mikah was faster. He reached out and wrapped his strong hand around my throat, tingles and warmth spread on my body. If I wasn't in the position I was, I would've shivered. Pinning me hard to the cave walls I could feel the hard rock cutting through the rest of my jacket, slicing my bare skin and I hissed in pain.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked calmly.

I gave him a heated glare, not giving him the pleasure of hearing my voice which was probably husky due to the unshed tears waiting to be released.

Instead, I spit in his face.

He let out a low growl, clenching his fists tightly. I closed my eyes waiting for the blow but instead he dropped me and I fell into a broken pile at his feet.

I could hear him breathing heavily, probably trying to control his wolf. I looked up to see he had walked away with his back to me and whole body tensed. I could clearly see the muscles flexing in his back and arms while I yearned to reach out and touch him but shoved the desire to the back of my mind.

"Just kill me already.." I spoke in a low voice hopefully hiding the huskiness in it.

He didn't respond, and for awhile I thought he didn't hear me. I was about to sigh and give up but then he did.

"I'm not going to kill you." He said, his voice was rough and smooth at the same time.

I scoffed "What? Are you just watching me until another comes to do the dirty work? Or did you want to rough up the mate you despise a little more before you stick a dagger through her heart?" My voice was plain venom.

He growled loudly "Nobody is going to touch you without my permission!"

"Please," I said laughing without humor "did you think I didn't hear you outside that wooden door?! Don't play me for a fool!" I shouted at him. My breaths were coming out in pants and I was fighting a losing battle with trying to keep my tears at bay.

Mikah moved to crouch down in front of me, making eye contact but left enough space between us so we didn't accidentally touch. His scent was suffocating but comforting at the same time.

I turned my head sharply, not wanting to look into the eyes of my mate who didn't even want me.

"Just reject me now, so my death doesn't sting as badly when you watch.." I said in a blank voice void of emotion. I bit my lip as soon as the words left my mouth, waiting for his response.

"I--" He began but was interrupted by a voice I was becoming very familiar with.

"Mikah!" Annabel exclaimed "don't let them send her away to fend on her own! She saved my life, defended us both, and deserves a chance!" Annabel protested as she ran over to me, covering my body with her own. That one small act of comfort made all the tears I was holding in finally flow out in streams.

Fend on my own? So they were going to send me away instead of killing me. I looked at Mikah who was biting his lip with his hands balled into fists. Just because he wasn't going to kill me didn't make the pain any less; he still didn't want me.

Finally his eyes connected with my own. He sighed giving me a look I couldn't comprehend.

"I'll try.." He spoke in a small voice

"i'll try" hm? You mean you'll try for Annabel but not for me..

That one thought had the sobs coming out in full force and Annabel held me tighter while Mikah walked out of the confined space without another look back.

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