Chapter Three

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Annabel on the side.


"Please no! Shh! I'm not going to hurt you!" I whisper yelled to the frightened girl who was clutching the ground so hard her knuckles were white. Her eyes were shut tightly as she screamed violently making her turn a bright red and veins popping out on her neck.

"Mikah!" She yelled "Help me!"

And just as she said that the strongest scent I've ever smelt hit my nostrils. It was woodsy, like pine with cinnamon mixed in making it sweet.

I could feel my mouth start to water and that's when I saw him emerge from the woods with the bright moonlight glistening on his sweaty body. Tall, dark and brooding, he stalked towards us. Copper colored hair, sharp facial features, a dark sculpted body with jeans hanging low on his hips.


This was it, my mate. Finally, it has been so long. He wasn't looking at me though, he dropped to his knees in front of the screaming girl. She instantly threw herself on my mate and I felt a growl trying to escape my mouth, but held it in tightly.

"She.. She-" The girl sobbed.

I just stood there awkwardly.

"She who Annabel?" Oh that voice nearly made me drop to my knees.

I stumbled a bit on my footing and that's when he snapped his head in my direction; the same time Annabel pointed a shaky finger at me.

He growled furious at me as he stood up bringing Annabel with him as he put her behind him in a protective stance. He analyzed what I was wearing without looking into my eyes and I saw the hate fill his orbs; he couldn't tell who I was. I only lowered my head in submission trying to show him I'm no threat while putting both hands in the air like a criminal, but that only angered him more as he came towards me and the next thing I knew my feet were dangeling in mid air. He had his large hand wrapped around my throat, suffocating me. Tingles erupted all over my body and I wondered why he couldn't feel it either. Maybe he was so taken with anger he didn't realize?

"Please.. Plea-- I wasn't going to k-kill her." I choked out, clawing on his tight grip to release me. I can't believe I'm going to die at the hands of my own mate, not that he knows that.

"M-mate" was the last thing I said. I could feel the black closing in on me and my chest clench in pain from not recieving any oxygen. But then he dropped me and I can't say I landed gracefully. I fell into a pile on the floor rolling onto my back and clutching my throat trying to breath.

"Get up" He said through clenched teeth but I didn't move. I couldn't, my body was paralyzed with fear and hurt. He literally almost killed me. That didn't stop him though; he grabbed a handful of my leather jacket on both sides and slammed me into a tree making my head fly back into the hard bark. I could feel the blood flowing from my skull and down my neck.

"Look at me" he growled. I obeyed this time even though I could barely keep my eyes open, I reluctantly let my eyes connect with his chocolate brown ones. Once they were aligned I knew for sure we were mates. I could feel the bond taking place, sealing itself, and knew he could feel it too because he dropped me instantly like my touch had burned him.

"No no no, please no... Not one of them." He said in despair shaking his head rapidly.

"Mikah" Annabel spoke coming closer and placing a hand on his shoulder "what is wrong, brother?"

So his name was Mikah huh? I could almost purr. And Annabel was his sister? That gave me relief like no other. I didn't know if I could deal with competition.

"Mikah.." I sighed, testing his beautiful name on my tongue

His eyes snapped to mine and he glared hard, but not as harsh as before.

"Don't you dare call me that. You are no mate of mine."

I stared at him shocked and as much as he tried to hide it I could see the pain behind the mask. Annabel gasped as she covered her mouth, looking between us.

"Oh no." She said

"Mikah, she didn't-- " but she couldn't continue as two of my own walked through the woodline into our little meeting place and growled when they saw my condition. Immediatly crouching into a fighting stance with daggers held in front of them.

No no no, please no! I screamed in my head as the two hunters launched themselves at my mate and Annabel.

"No!!" I screamed jumping from my position on the floor, and despite my injuries from my mate, I grabbed the dagger the man closest was holding and let the blade cut my palm as I pushed the dagger back roughly, making the hilt of it hit him square in the nose.

He fell to his knees, clutching his nose while groaning and the woman stopped her attack on my mate and his sister. I took a protective stance in front of them while growling a low warning.

"Leave us" I commanded. I had Alpha blood so I knew their knees shook some but I was not THE Alpha so my command was void.

"Are you a traitor?" The woman asked with betrayal lacing her words. "You would protect these flith and betray your own pack?!" She half yelled.

"This is wrong! Nobody here needs to die! People's lives aren't games!" I shouted at her. I saw her eyes flicker black and knew her wolf was getting angry just being in the presence of a traitor.

Her eyes scanned the area when they stopped on a specific thing I knew she saw him and I knew we were all going to fight. The loser dies.

"Martin.." She whispered, eyes wide with hurt and horror.

"He's not dead." I spoke in monotone. "I would never kill my bestfriend."

Her eyes snapped back to mine fully black and I knew her wolf was out because her canines elongated.

"You scum!!" She shouted and then pounced on me. I was too weak for a fight. I only had the energy to to block her attacks but even then I was getting slow.

"You dare betray us?! You're father is Alpha, but you are no leader to us!" She shouted as she pinned me down and held the dagger high as she was about to plunge it into my heart.

I closed my eyes waiting for the final blow but it never came. Her wieght was gone in a second and all shouting had come to an end but the sound of a thump and grunt. I opened my eyes only to see my mate hovering over me breathing heavily while looking at the woman he tossed to make sure she was out.

I stared at him with a grateful and awe look in my eyes, but didn't dare speak a word. His eyes reluctantly rolled down towards mine.

"Get up" He said in a stern voice that left no room for arguments. It wasn't easy I'll tell you that and I did not recieve any help from my mate; not even an 'are you okay?'. But I didn't complain once. He saved me so that was enough to prove he cared.

Before I could give him my thanks he tilted his head up towards the orange sky. His eyes look relieved before he looked back down to Annabel.

"We need to leave." He told her and then they both started walking in a direction I wasn't sure if I was supposed to follow.

I was rogue now, my pack would never take me back unless as a prisoner and I'm sure my mate did not want me coming with him seeing as he thinks I threatened his sister's life, but my mind spoke too soon because he turned around with a hard stare motioning with his head for me to follow.

My heartbeat picked up double time before I shuffeled my feet to follow them deeper into rogue territory.

This is it, I'm free.

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