Chapter Four

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Mikah on the side.


Five hours. Five long, painful, and dreadful hours we've been walking. We, being my mate who has not looked at me since we left, Annabel his sister who kept giving me apologetic looks everytime she turned to glance at me, and then myself who was about to pass out from all the blood loss which, by the way, I was still losng.

Since we left I didn't speak to either of them. Was I a prisoner or an ally? Only time would tell but my gut told me the former since neither of them spoke a word to me either.

The atmosphere around us was tense and Mikah and Annabel were whispering among themselves. Too low for me to hear and my wolf was taking longer to heal due to not relaxing while my injuries would cure themseves. Now I was sure I had some type of infection forming on the cuts.

I thought back to last night and how Martin had out and called me a traitor. My whole life he was the closest person to me; my bestfriend and one wrong act towards the pack and he dismissed our relationship without even hearing me out. It stung but I held in the sob, those could come later when I'm alone. I was never one to cry, complain, be obnoxious, or to not play by the rules.

But I did stand for what I believed in, I have confidence in myself and my decisions, and a plus to all, I was extensively trained in combat. I wasn't beautful, I was an average person with an awkward personality who liked to keep to herself.

"I was wrong! And what you're planning to do for me is wrong, Mikah." I heard Annabel say in a strong voice which surprised me. She was so timid earlier.

"Then what am I to do?" Mikah asked just as strongly but with anger lacing his words.

She gave him a hard glare before stopping in her tracks and turing to me with a gentle smile. She was beautiful; blonde hair, blue eyes, nice body; the whole package and the total opposite of her brother.

"What is your name?" She questioned me with an encouraging look in her eyes.

I stalled for a moment, wondering if it was wrong or right to give out any personal information to a rogue, even though I myself am one now. I didn't want any information about me to get used against me.

"Rory." I said and yet, I didn't regret giving it to her.

She smiled a bright smile and relaxed her shoulders while Mikah tensed up from hearing my voice. He kept his eyes on his sister even though I could see him watch me from the corners.

"Will you tell me the truth if I were to ask you a series of questions?" She asked her eyes searching for any lie.

"Will you use this information against me if I do?" I questioned back with the same stare. Or atleast I tried. My vision was beginning to blur and my head was beginning to get light but I kept a blank face; not showing any pain.

"No." she answered honestly.

"Then yes, I'll answer you." I said with a sigh of relief that I hoped hadn't reached their ears.

"Why did you save me?"

I knew that was coming. So obvious.

"I do not believe in these celebrations. This was my first year participating as I am now 18 years old, but I never planned to kill anyone, but neither did I plan on betraying my pack."

Mikah growled at this but I ignored him and kept going.

"I was hoping I wouldn't see any of you and my luck was going great for awhile but that's when we saw you. My partner at the time and life long bestfriend, also beta, wanted to kill you and I tried to stop him with words, make him see my side but he did not want to hear any of it. He tried to attack you and then you both know the rest."

They were silent for a moment carefully thinking over my answer, looking for anything out of place, before Annabel looked back at me and smiled.

"You're right. I do remember you telling me you weren't going to hurt me but I was so taken with fear I couldn't help but scream for Mikah."

I switched my gaze to him, only to see him glaring at the ground with a conflicted look in his eyes.

"I heard the woman say your father is Alpha?" Annabel questioned.

I turned my gaze back to her.

"Yes, Alpha Luke Grey of Red Moon pack. I am his one and only daughter, Rory Grey." I replied in monotone.

"Your mother?" Mikah asked in a low voice. I snapped my eyes to him in shock. He's speaking to me?

"I-I" I cleared my throat "She died, 3 years ago."

He only nodded his head and went back to glaring at the ground while Annabel looked between us.

"Let's get this out in the open." she sighed "You two are mates?"

We both looked at her in astounded for being so striaght to the point.

"Ah-- yes." I answered while swaying lightly. I was going to pass out here soon if I didn't get a chance to heal.

"Are you going to reject each other?" She asked being blunt.

I looked to Mikah who was staring at me with the same conflicting eyes. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion and hurt. He didn't even know me and once you break the bond, it's over.

I cleared my throat before speaking and looking directly into Mikah's eyes.

"I never once considered rejecting my mate. He is my soulmate and I would never throw away something so precious. If he doesn't want this then he'll have to be the one to break it because it will not be I."

Mikah looked away with a guilty look on his face and I felt a tear slip through the barrier. I roughly wiped it away and cursed at myself for being weak. Annabel gave me a sympathetic look which I hated. I didn't need it.

I looked at her waiting for her to say something else, but she never did. I could have sworn I saw her lips moving but then I recognized the familiar black closing in on me. My knees buckled and the only thing I saw before I was engulfed into the darkness was the shape of my mate's lips as he said my name coming towards me.

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