Chapter Seven

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"Now Rory," the woman Jenna said "let's get started shall we?"

I nodded my head mutely grabbing a fistful of Mikah's shirt. I heard him suck in a quiet breath but ignored it.

"What pack were you originally from?" Jenna asked

"Red Moon" I answered almost instantly.

If they were just going to ask question about my pack, I was going to pass this no problem. The only problem there was, was what if they ask for inside information about my pack? I didn't know anything but they don't know that; nor do I think they'll believe me. They might think my loyalties still lie with my old pack.

But do they?

No, they abandoned me without hearing me out. A pack should be out trusting each other. They were lost in their misguided ways. We're wolves not savages.

"I see. Alpha Luke Grey, hm. I knew him well." Jenna said more to herself.

"Can you still communicate with them?" She asked

"No, I lost mental link connection with my old pack the moment I walked into the woods with Annabel and Mikah." I said remembering when I tried searching my pack's mind for information about Martin with no results.

"I see." Jenna said with a thoughtful look.

I only nodded my head, not giving her any more information unless she asked. Though, her knowing my father did intrigue me. He knew a rogue?

"Well, Rory," Jenna began "as you might have already figured out, we kill any pack member that we so manage to get our hands on. After years of the Hunt being a torture to us like we're insects, it's only right to repay the favor, correct?" She asked in a sweet voice which I wasn't sure if it was supposed to creep me out intentionally or not.

I looked at Mikah who was silently glaring at Jenna. I couldn't understand why though. He didn't want me and the last time I heard him talking about me was when he was planning to kill me!

"I understand." I said in a low voice.

She smiled "Now, you would be another added to the list but seeing as you're Mikah's mate and he is one if our high ranking warriors, we can't let that happen can we? He would surely go crazy whether he wants you or not. His inner wolf would torture him." She said sounding a little too disappointed for my liking. This made me wonder what type of relationship they had or have.

That thought had a pang of hurt roll through my stomach and I looked up at Mikah who was looking down at me questioningly. I only shook my head but he didn't look convinced.

"I understand." I answered again a little more defeated.

"Good," she began "so you will be able to stay here but you must at all times have a guard. Not for your safety, but for ours. Daniel here, will be your escort." She said referring to brown eyes who didn't look at me once.

"Also, I was informed that you do not eat in the cafeteria. If you are to be with us, you should be one with us. You will train, eat, cooperate with all wolves in this facility and if you refuse to do so, you will be banished from here. Are we clear?" She said with a scolding tone.

"Yes." I answered

"You are free to keep your room you have now. If it weren't for Mikah, you would be in the chambers with the rest of the low ranking wolves." She said.

Just how many strings can this man pull? And low ranking? I guess Mikah and Annabel didn't tell Jenna my true ranking.

"Thank you." I said. She was rude and she may or may not have a relationship with my mate, but she was still allowing me to stay. For that, I was grateful.

She didn't respond but waved her hand at Mikah and I in dismissal.

We turned to leave while Mikah was still holding onto my waist, not that I was complaining. On the way out Mikah paused at the door and sent a low growl to blue eyes, whose name I never learned.

"Watch yourself, pup." Was Mikah's only warning. His possessiveness had my insides jumping with joy. Maybe this was finally the step forward?

Blue eyes nodded his head quickly in response without looking at me.

Mikah turned to Daniel next "I'll escort her back." Daniel nodded in understanding.

Once we were in the hallways with the office door closed, Mikah dropped his arm from my waist and I instantly felt lonely. So it was all a show? The 'mine' thing and showing affection? Why am I surprised? Of course it was! Playing with my emotions... I could feel the tears well up but I tried hard to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Why?" I asked. I couldn't let this opportunity slip away.

Mikah stopped walking but didn't say anything.

"Mikah!" I yelled. I needed answers from him now!

As quickly as the words left my mouth Mikah turned with inhuman speed and was right in my face.

"'Why' what, Rory?" He said angrily but my name on his lips made me shiver "there is no why! I didn't do this for you! I did this for Annabel!" That stung.

I gasped like I had been punched in the gut. Tears flowed out and there was nothing to stop them. He stopped breathing for a second before he released a large breath fanning over my face.

"Rory, I--" he stopped and looked stumped "look, I'm not going to reject you, I can't, nor have I seriously considered it regardless of what you think. It did cross my mind, but mates are not something to decide on with a clouded mind. But that doesn't mean I can be with you either."

"Why? Because you're with Jenna?! I saw the way she looked at you!" I said spitting venom. "I'm not going to sit around and wait for you!" Pure fury was coursing through my veins and I could feel my wolf scratching the surface to get out. "I, Rory Grey, reje--" I couldn't finish because Mikah slapped his hand over my mouth.

Tingles once again invaded my senses but shoved them to the back of my mind. He was breathing hard with his head bent towards the ground.

"Please.." He said lifting his eyes to mine. The conflict and hurt that he was displaying for me to see was making my hands shake. "I need time. Your kind... It's too much right now. There is nothing going on with Jenna." He tried reassuring me.

In the moment if silence, he removed his hand from covering my mouth but gently ran his index finger over my lips.

I was stunned to say the least; completely lost in the trance. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and you could almost say that just his touch was bringing out some happiness in this horrible situation. But then what he said came back to hit me full force.

The trance was definitely broken.

I scoffed, snapping my head away from his lingering finger. Sending me mixed signals wasn't happening and him expecting me to sit on the back burner for him was even more insulting.

My eyes flickered black. I had to get away before I did something I would regret. "It's not that hard! I'm your mate! I'm not going to force myself on you and if you won't let me reject you, then come find me when you've figured yourself out." I spit while walking away knowing I was going to get lost.

The ball is in his court.

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