Chapter Ten

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His growl sent a shiver of pleasure running through my spine. I hated my reactions to him, but I knew it was inevitable. We were soul mates after all. Mikah came into my line of vision, stomping his way in front of me.

His shoulders were tense and warning snarls were sounding from his mouth. He was facing away from me so I couldn't see his face. As I stepped closer to his hunched form, I looked over to Annabel who was switching her gaze between the two of us. She finally settled her gaze on me and smiled while waggling her eyebrows.

I frowned at her and shook my head but that only made her smile widen. How she could smile in a situation such as this was a mystery to me.

He was doing this because I was his mate whether he liked it or not and his wolf wouldn't just let me be threatened. This was not his doing, I knew it. Or at least, that's what I was convincing myself.

"Touch her and I'll kill you, Sean." Mikah finally spoke in a voiced laced with venom. I moved past Mikah to see who he was talking to. Mikah stretched his arm across my stomach in a protective stance without touching me. The guy who had smirked at me earlier opened his mouth to speak so I assumed he was Sean.

"She's one of them, and I'm not going to let this opportunity slip away from me." Sean growled back to Mikah while moving forward in my direction. "It will be considered a training session gone 'wrong'. "

Mikah roared at Sean while mirroring his movements and moving in his direction with his canines elongated. His eyes were pitch black, muscles tense, and claws extended. I felt my wolf swell with pride and awe that he was willing to fight for us. I fought to keep the small smile off my face and keep my mind on the problem at hand.

I turned to Annabel who was looking around in panic. She looked like she wanted to reach out to Mikah but I knew she wouldn't be that stupid. Wolves were dangerous in this kind of state and I've only seen an Alpha be able to calm them down. Obviously, I was dealing with rogues who had no Alpha and one had threatened another's mate. Dangerous situation indeed.

An idea came to my mind when I remembered I had a guard, Daniel. I gasped as I turned to sweep the area in search of him, but frowned when I saw him about 50 yards away from the training grounds. His arms were crossed as he watched the scene unfold without a care in the world.

Well, he's not going to help.

Well, if nobody is going to stop them I guess it will have to be me.

I turned back to Mikah who was only a few feet away from Sean. I took a deep breath; Mikah wouldn't hurt me, but Sean, it was obvious he wanted me dead. They were circling around each other, looking for an opening to attack. I ran towards them while I hearing a frantic Annabel shouting my name to come back.

This was not about to happen because of me. I didn't care about Sean but I was not going to let Mikah get into a fight for me. Let alone do anything for me just for it all to come back and slap me in the face.

And as much as I tried to deny it, I couldn't watch him get hurt for me. I had no idea what rank wolf Mikah was, but I knew I had Alpha blood. I could handle this -- I hope.

"Stop!" I shouted coming in between them both with my arms spread out only a few inches from each of their chests.

It all happened so suddenly. I saw Mikah reach out to grab me but before he got his hands around my arm, I was yanked into the opposite direction. I was conscious that I felt myself being pulled into the dangerous arms of Sean. He had my back to his front and his claws were extended, poking at my throat while his arm was wound around my waist, crushing my ribs.

The pressure was going to leave ugly bruises for sure.

I looked to Mikah who's eyes widened and I saw fear.

Fear for my safety.

"No wonder your pack didn't want you; you're weak." Sean whispered into my ear.

His words pissed me off. One, because packs don't just kick out members for no reason. They would never kick someone out just because they were a weak link.

Second, because he had no idea why I was here in the first place.

I snarled grabbing his wrist from throat and twisting it in an awkward angle. He yelped at the unexpected attack, loosening his hold on my waist but not enough to escape. I brought my elbow to his ribs and everything went silent when we heard a loud snapping sound.

My wolf was scratching the surface. There was a thin line between her and I now. Usually I could keep her under control, but his words cut deep.

Sean fell to the ground clutching his ribs and groaning in pain. I flipped him over with a kick of my foot and started punching him in the face.

"You. Don't. Know. What. The. Hell. You're. Talking. About!" I shouted to his unconscious body.

I yelled with frustration in between each punch. I was angry. Not just because of what he said but because his words made me realize everything happening around me. It was like walking out of the fog. I was angry with where I was, how my mate treated me, how Martin treated me, at my pack members, and at the Hunt because all of this was it's fault. The Annual Hunt is to blame for everything!

I could have everything! My best friend, my mate, my family if weren't for the Hunt!

Most of all I was mad at myself for not being able to be like everybody else and just kill without emotions. I just had to be compassionate!

Through my haze I felt Mikah come behind me and pick me up from behind. I thrashed in his arms just screaming wildly. He didn't say anything but dropped to his knees holding me with his strong arms. His scent was a blanket of comfort and it was beginning to calm me. That's when I noticed the tears falling my from eyes.

I looked down to my bloody knuckles and sobbed harder. Guilt was seeping through the anger. I shouldn't have taken it that far. Mikah's scent was making me see reality.

Sean May have wanted me dead, but why not? We kill hundreds of them a year. I am no Rogue, and I don't know if I'll ever become accustomed to this life style. I took my anger out on him, only proving their point more. We, pack members, are savages.

I let myself be rocked by him until we all heard the familiar voice of council woman Jenna.

"What the hell is going on here!" She growled in outrage. I looked over to Sean who was still lying on the ground with a bloody face. I sighed standing up and releasing myself from Mikah who seemed reluctant to let go. I scrubbed the tears from cheeks roughly.

I turned to Jenna ready to tell her it was all my fault but the giddy voice of a little boy coming around the corner and clutching Jenna's leg interrupted me. He looked to be about 2 almost 3 with light brown hair and green eyes like my own.

"Sissy, hide me from mommy!" He said while giggling.

Jenna looked down and patted the young child on the head and was about to respond when I heard it. That unmistakable voice. The voice I had missed so much for 3 years. The one who was supposed to be dead.

"Mason, where are you?" She rang out in a playful tone.

Then she was there. She didn't see me but she looked exactly the same. Light brown hair, green eyes, a heart shaped face, and a sweet smile always placed on her lips.

A sob escaped from my lips. This isn't happening to me! She's not supposed to be here!

Jenna turned her attention back to me with a disapproving glare.

"Rory, come with me." She spoke in a low tone.

But I couldn't look away from her. As soon as my name left Jenna's mouth her head snapped in my direction. Her body froze with recognition. The little boy was tugging at her pants but she ignored it.

"Mom...?" I asked in barely a whisper.

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