Love Hate Relationship

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Chapter One: Love Hate Relationship

I groan as I hear my alarm start to go off; I roll out of bed and make my way to the bathroom, climbing in the shower, I wash my hair with my strawberry scented shampoo. After about 15 minutes I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body and one around my head.

I brush my teeth and walk out of my bathroom and into my room. I walk in the closest and grab a pair of blue skinny jeans, a purple tank top, and throw them on. I open up a box on the floor of my closest that was labelled 'SHOES'. I grab a pair of black converse and slip them on my feet.

I walk back into my bathroom and blow dry my hair. I pull half my blond hair back and apply some mascara. I smile.

"New school,new start." I say letting out a sigh.

I walk back in my room and grab my school bag out of a box and make my way downstairs.

"Jenny, c'mon your going to be late on your first day." My mom yelled.

I walk into the kitchen and roll my eyes. "Mom, I don't want to go to school here." I say while popping a piece of bread in the toaster.

"Jenny, you wanted to leave your old school and we did. What's wrong?" She asked.

"What's wrong is that we moved to another country, Canada, this is the place where I grew up. I didn't want to come back here." I said and I took the toast out of the toaster and bit into it.

"What's wrong with moving back to your hometown?" She wondered.

"I left my friends behind in Tennessee." I say as I pick up my black leather jacket and put it on. I swing my bag over my shoulder and walk to the door. Picking up my car keys off the counter.

"One more year of school and then your off to College, hopefully University." Mom says smiling.

"Bye mom." I mutter and walk outside to get in my CRV. I finish eating my toast and put the keys in the ignition and drive out of the drive way, making my way to my new school.

15 minutes later

I park my CRV and get out. I slowly walk towards the entrance of the school. As I walk inside I look at my schedule.

"First English. Great." I mutter sighing.

After about five minutes I finally found my locker. I twist my combination into the lock and try to open my locker but it wouldn't budge. I tried it again and the same thing happened. I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Do you need help?" A voice asked. I turned around and saw a girl with wavy brown hair and storm coloured eyes.

"Yeah, do you mind?" I ask giving her a small smile.

"No problem." She said. I told her my combination and she put it in, jiggled it, then pulled it open.

"Thanks." I say putting some books in there.

"It's nothing, just remember to jiggle it." She said smiling before adding. "You're new here right."

"Yeah, I moved in two weeks ago." I say.

"I'm Mira." She said and held out her hand.

Her name sounded familiar. "Jenny." I say. "Mira Skiffjin? Do you remember me?" I ask smiling.

Mira and I were good friends when we were twelve, its been five years since I've seen her!

"Oh my god! Jenny!" She said excitedly and pulled me into a hug."There's so much to tell you." She paused and pulled away from me."You're still a virgin aren't you." She said.

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