The Meeting

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Chapter Four:The Meeting

I almost had a heart attack when I saw Trent standing outside the car. I didn't know wether to get out,or lock the door and see if Leo left the car keys in here.

"Jenny,they want you inside.You better hurry,Leo is already pissed off."Trent said.

I sighed and opened up the car door and stepped out. "Can I just go home?"I asked. I wasn't in the greatest mood today,considering everything that had happened.

"No you may not fatty."Trent said and grabbed my wrist dragging me towards the entrance of the diner.

"I'm not fat!Now let go of me!"I yelled stopping.That didn't really help since he was stronger than me.Instead when he turned to look at me and I slapped him in the face. The smirk that was once on his face disappeared and was replaced with a more angry looking expression. "What's wrong Trenty?"I asked saying his old childhood nickname that I had gave him.

Before I could say anything else Trent had me pinned up against a wall,his hands holding my arms with a tight grip so I couldn't hit him.

"Don't call me Trenty."He growled.His eyes staring into mine. "Now tell me Jenny,what were you looking for in Leo's car?You should tell me,otherwise I'll just tell him myself that you were going through his stuff."

"I don't need to tell you anything Trenty." I said whispering his nickname just to piss him off even more.

"Say that one more time Jenny,and I'll make sure that you will lose your virginity in these games."Trent whispered in my ear."If you say that one more time,it'll just tell me how much you want me."He added.

I didn't say anything and neither did Trent.He let go of me when he heard a door shut from the diner.I turned my attention to who walked out and saw Charlie.

"What's taking you guys so long?"He asked cocking an eyebrow at Trent and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Nothing."Trent said and walked inside the diner.

Charlie looked at me with his soft blue eyes. "Are you okay?Trent didn't do anything to you did he?"He asked concerned and walked over to me placing his hand on my left cheek.His thumb brushed against my lips and he gave me a small smile. "We should get inside."He whispered. I nodded my head and followed him inside and took a seat in the big booth.

Trent was the first one to speak."Welcome to the very first meeting this year,of The Virginity Games."He smirked."My team colour is green. Ladies your teammates from the green team is Kat and Lisa."Trent added. I saw Kat the girl from my math class. Then there was Lisa,she had short dirty blond hair and hazel eyes.She was the one who was crying in the hall.

Ian clasped his hands together on the table and flashed a smile at the girls."My team colour is yellow.Your teammates are Melody and Lilly." Lilly was sitting there with no expression on her face.Her pink hair covering her eyes.Melody had a brown pixie cut and blue eyes.

Charlie stood up and his eyes went soft."Team colour is black and I'm really sorry about putting you guys in this.Ladies your teammates are Tilly and Kira."Tilly still looked angry and the girl Kira was almost about to cry. She had blonde hair that was dip dyed a lime green.

Charlie is so sweet. He didn't seem like he wanted to be apart of the games at all. Then why would he be in them?

"I'm Jaden and my team colour is blue. Your following teammates are Mira and Faith." Mira still had the same expression on that she had at lunch and was still cursing under her breath.Then there was Faith who was a ginger and looked like a slut. I know it's not good to judge someone by their looks but it's just how she was staring at Jaden,that practically screamed I'm a slut.

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