Hip to my Heart

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I must have gone pale, as the boys all looked at me with concern. My breathing had become shallow and i was having a cold sweat. Butterfly's were flutering against the walls of my stomach and i was afraid that i was going to be sick. 

'Harry?' Liam asked, his voice laced with concern. I looked at him and wished that this had never happened. Niall put his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a tight hug. I relaxed slightly, lrtting my shoulders relax first and then the rest of my body, before i looked at his face. His blue eyes were trained on mine and i felt myself slip into cool blueness that his eyes possessed. A smile formed at his lips that reached his eyes.

'Harry, Do you want to call this person?' I shook my head and sighed. I really didn't want to call them, yet i wanted to know who it was at the same time. I could find out where they found my notebook, and why they were nice enough to tell me that they found it. I must have been thinking to myself for a while, as Niall removed his arms and stood up.

'Time to go back to school' He said with a voice full of annoyance and dread. I couldn't help but laugh. Ni rolled his eyes before holding a hand out to help me up from sitting.

'Come on Haz, you were the one who didn't want to leave school in the first place.' I took his hand and smirked at him.

'Por favor, Haz silencio' He looked at me like i had two heads. Niall dropped spanish in his first year at school and took Music so he didn't know Spanish. Liam and Zayn had taken spanish and were chuckling next to me.

'Thats not fair!' Niall said, his face full of annoyance. I smiled and drapped my arm around his shoulders. He narrowed his eyes at me, before turning to face me and push me to the ground. I laughed as he towered over me. Liam and Zayn were in stitches, almost collapsing onto the floor, which made Niall smirk as he tried to hide a smile. I sighed, still looking up at Niall, and then heard a song coming from Liam's Phone. it was the song 'Hip to my heart' by The Band Perry. I turned my head to look at him, seeing a blush plaster his cheeks before he looked at the screen. His shoulders slumped, his eyes rolled, and then he answered

'Hello?' he said, his voiced covered in boredom. His eyes looked at us, before he walked away, causing us to stare at him.

'What did you say in Spanish Harry?' Niall asked, getting to the point.

'I said, Please make silence' His eyes got wide, before he burst out laughing.

'Thanks Haz' He said sarcastically through his giggles. Zayn was chuckling again and i was smiling. Within Moments of Niall laughing, Liam returned, worry plastered all over his face.

'What?' Zayn asked.

'We need to go back to school' he said simply

'And your worried?' Niall said. Liam rolled his eyes before grabbing his things.

'First one back wins' he said before running in the direcion of the school. The rest of us only had a moment to watch him run and then we followed, our bags flying behind us. We caught up with Liam and then we were at School. Literally we had walked through the gates when i heard a voice

'Harry Styles' I slowly turned to see who it was

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