The return of Bravery

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Louis' POV- Before Harry' attack

I had my plate of food and walked into the front room where the others were sitting. I was looking at Harry. This boy mesmerised me, and i liked it. The way his curls would bounce everytime he took a step, the way that his eyes resembled green emeralds that sparkled in the darkness and looked so carefree. I had feelings for this boy, they were stronger than the ones that i held for Eleanor. I still love her, but only as a friend. We both agreed that it would be better. The day that i saw Harry, i knew i had to know him. He seemed so special and sweet, one of those people that if you had never spoken to them, you go your whole life missing something important. My mind races back to when Harry ws putting down a piece of my hair and i remember thinking 'Let me kiss you' The only problem would be that he doesn't feel the same way. He's just being my friend.

Suddenly Harry turns around and faces me. I feel my face blush and my eyes fall to the floor. He caught me checking him out, even if i was fighting an eternal battle in my stomach about my feelings for him. Harry moved so that he could sit next to Niall, with a space next to him or next to Liam. I decided that i didn't really want to be caught by the others checking Harry out next to him, so i sat next to Liam. Then i could look at him without anyone noticing..... I sound like a pervert...The others had almost finished their food so i had to eat quite quickly. On the huge tv screen some opening credits started to roll and i wondered what they were. 

'What are we watching?' Harry asked, just before putting some of his curry in his mouth. My eyes looked at his lips as he chewed and i longed to put my lips against his.... I'm actually scaring myself with how much  i sound like a pervert!

' Paranormal Activity' NIall said, a smirk appearing on his face. I felt all the blood rush from my face and my stomach twist into all different shaped knots. Maybe i wasn't going to be able to finish my dinner. Harry looked at me and i saw concern play around in his eyes.

'Do we...' He said and i knew the answer straight away

'YES!' The boys replied, a shudder making its way down my back. Behind me was a small pillow that i could use to cover my face if things got too intense. 

Towards the end of the film it was becoming really scary, like the main girl was possessed by the demon and had gotten out of bed and walked downstairs, and i was scared out of my mind. Suddenly from upstairs there was a huge bang, and everyone had the same idea, cuddle together. I was next to Harry. I looked up into his emerald eyes and i could see fear and also bravery.

'What was that?!' I heard Zayn say from above us. I was too scared to take my gaze from Harry'. The movie soon ended and our breathing was begining to slow, but then Harry got out of our little group and stood up

'Harry where the hell are you going?!?!?!' Niall spat, fear lacing his voice. The rest of the boys looked at Harry, waiting to hear what he had to say.

'To stop whatever it is' He then walked out of the front room, towards the stairs. The rest of us all just stayed where we were.

'What do you think it is?' Liam asked. I was the first to speak

'I don't know'

'A demon!' Niall shouted, scaring the crap out of all of us. It was still silent upstairs, so Harry must of found out what it was, or was still trying to find out. I 'm hoping it was the first one. Maybe it was a neighbours cat, or it was Gemma. I really don't want it to be a demon, please let it not be a demon. From upstairs, some shouting could be heard, so i stood up.

'Where are you going Louis?' Niall asked

'I'm going to go and save Harry.' I replied, adrenaline running through my veins. The others looked at me like i was a weirdo, like a freak. 'Are you coming with me?' I asked, feeling some anger boil in my veins. Their best friend is upstairs, trying to save us, and their just sat there like cowards. My fists curled into balls at my side, and angry tears pricked in my eyes.

'I'm in' Zayn said, relief running through my veins

'Me too' Niall said, standing up and moving next to me

'And me' Liam replied. We had an army. I walked out first and the others followed me. I felt like a leader, like i was in charge. I was going to save the boy who i had feelings for and nobody could stop me, unless it was a demon, then it could possess me and we would have a tiny problem. Soon, we could hear screaming coming from Harry and hoarse shouting from the creature/person so we ran up the stairs. We burst through the door and saw Harry smirk.

'You've been caught Tom' The monster that was by Harry was a person? No way... Tom pulled his hand balled his hands into fists, all of us silent.

'GET OFF OF HIM YOU PERVERT!' I shouted, feeling tears fall down my face as i knew what was going to happen. Tom Punched Harry straight in the jaw, causing Harry to wince at the contact. I was Niall tense beside me, as well as Liam and Zayn move closer to Harry

'DON'T HURT HIM!' Niall shouted, as Tom smirked and punched Harry again. This punch knocked Harry out cold. My blood became heated and i knew i couldn't take it anymore. I launched myself at Tom and pushed him towards the window. He dug his nails into my skinas he neared the window, and smirked.

'If you push me out, your coming with me.' It was a simple threat. I looked out the window and saw how far we were from the ground. Suddenly, the ground was coming closer to my face. Someone had pushed me out of the window and i was falling. 

'LOUIS!!!!!!' Was shouted from above me, but i kept falling. Then i got an idea. As soon as the ground was close enough, i curled my self into a little ball waited for the right moment, and it came really soon. As soon as i felt grass on my back, i made myself spin. I was somersaulting. I had saved myself some broken bones and just gotten a bruise. Tom was looking at me from the window, disappointment clear on his face.

'Didn't hurt me Tom! NOW LEAVE!!!' My voiced echoed around the whole of the garden, making me sound scarier. He suddenly jumped into the tree and into next doors garden. I smiled a triumphant smile, looking back at the window. The boys were smiling at me from Harry' room.

'Well done Lou!' Niall shouted.

'You did great!' Zayn screached

'Are you ok? Nothing broken?' Liam asked. I shook my head. 

'I'm Fine, How's Harry? I asked, moving closer to the tree. 

'He's ok. He's coming around from being knocked out. Quickly come up!' Niall rushed. I tried to climb the tree but it didn't work.

'Can someone open the front door please?' I shouted, hearing laughs from the boys.

Hey guys!! I hope this chapter was ok and a bit longer than the other recent chapters! Please continue to support me and tell me what you think of the story so far! Also could you Fan me please as it tells me that i'm doing a good job. And please tell your friends. THANKS!!!! 



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