Good Time

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We were sat on the sofa, watching 'Love Actually', when Lou's phone started to ring. He gave me an apologetic look before looking at the screen and sighing. 

'Can you pause this?' He asked me. I gave him and nod and a smile, which he returned, before picking up his phone and walking out of the room. I paused the DVD and sat back back against the sofa. I was really enjoying myself at Louis' and i can't believe that he actually agreed to come to the sleepover tonight. I knew that the boys would welcome him, but they also knew that i liked him, so would try and embarrass me. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.... Hopefully it  will be fine. As i was deciding whether or not to cancel the sleepover, Louis came back in with a smile on his face. I looked at his smiling face and returned his smile, as the smile itself was infectious, before Lou sat back down next to me. I noticed that he was a bit closer than before, but i didn't say anything as i liked it. 

'That was Mum' He said, before grabbing a remote from somewhere and pressing the play button. So, i had paused it manually while he had a remote and pressed that small little button. Wish i had known the remote was there...

'She ordered us a pizza. She said for me to tell you that she says hello.' He then gave me a small, shy smile before turning back to the Tv. His mum was so kind, she didn't have to do that! I could have made.... That gives me an idea!

'Hey Boo, After the movie can i make you something?' He gave me a weird look, before nodding. 

'Sure Haz' We both turned back to the screen where One of the Characters, Eve, visits her brother at an institution where he lives and wraps a scarf around him as he hugs her. I had a tear in my eye as i imagined Gemma doing that to me. I hadn't realised that i had tears falling down my cheeks, till Louis turned around and wiped them away. He had tears as well, so i returned the gesture, while trying to ignore the sparks that coursed through my fingers and through the rest of my body. 

'Sorry for crying' I said quietly to Louis. He turned to face me quickly, more tears appearing in his beautiful eyes.

'Harry don't apologise!' He said as small tears fell down his cheeks. I wiped them away again and then sighed. The movie had finished while we were wiping our tears away, so i was now going to do what i wanted to do for Louis. 

'Do you want to go and get your bag ready for tonight while i get your surprise ready?' I asked as the screen went black and the DVD player spat out the disk. Louis smiled and nodded, while leaning over to reach the disk. I know i shouldn't have, but i looked at his bum and felt my heart race. It was just..... Indescribable. Looking away quickly, i tried to calm my heart, but my mind kept showing me pictures of his bum. Damn him and his cute butt!

'I'll be right back!' He then ran from the room and up the stairs. I let out a breath that i didn't realise that i was holding, and ran my hand up my face. Tonight was going to be long if he kept doing that. After about 5 minutes, i walked into the kitchen and grabbed some pans that were on the marble work top. Then, i walked over to the fridge and grabbed some eggs and milk, before walking over to a cupboard and grabbing some flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, sugar and some Oil and water. I looked through some more cupboards, and then found what i was looking for. A mixing bowl. Soon, i had a batter mix for some chocolate muffins. I never realised that Louis was watching me till i poured the batter into little cases and placing them on trays, ready to be put into the oven.

'I bet they are going to taste amazing!' He said, making me jump. I laughed and tried to calm myself down, before putting the muffins into the oven. We waited an hour, until they were done and by that time the pizza had arrived and been devoured by two hungry boys. For the rest of the day, we just watched DVDs and chiiled out around his house. His sisters came home at three and said hey to me before going to their rooms. His mum came home at half 5, and smiled at the muffins that were on the side.

'Harry made them' Louis said with a smile. His mum winked at me before taking a bite out of one.

'Harry! These are amazing!' she said as she finished one bite and then took another one.

'Thanks Jay' I said, earing a wink from her as i remembered. Louis laughed and the stood up and picked his bag up before walking into the kitchen. I followed him and picked up one of my muffins.

'Mum, i'm going to stay at Harry's tonight.' He said, taking a muffin off of the side. Jay smiled and nodded.

'Ok Hun, hope you have a Good time' She then took my muffins and put them in the fridge.

'Thanks mum!' He kissed her cheek, before grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the door.

'See you soon Harry!' Jay shouted as i got pulled out of the door. Tonight was going to be a good night, I could feel it in my bones. Louis had dragged me halfway down his street, when i remembered to tell him about the others.

'Boo, three of my other friends are going to be at the house' I expected him to go mental and flip out on me, but he just smiled sweetly before laughing.

'Oh I'm going to learn all your secrets tonight' He then winked and ran off laughing, leaving me standing in his street.

Oh my..........

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