Marry The Night

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As i moved through the coldness and darkness of my hall, i heard more moving coming from upstairs. My heart was running a marathon after climbing up Kilimanjaro in under a day. My Stomach was doing flips and i had a line of sweat at the bottom of my neck. I had gotten to the bottom of the stairs, feeling a cold wind blow towards me. That soon got rid of the line of sweat. The wind felt like.... Something  I've never felt before. This sent goosebumps up and down my spine. I still think i'm going to throw up.

I put my first foot on the step and heard the wood groan in protest. My heart was racing but there was only one thought that was running through my mind; my friends safety. I valued their lives more than my own, i could never live with myself if they got hurt in anyway. More noises echoed down the stairs, making my hair stand on end like soldiers. I've never heard sounds like this either, whatever it was sounded like a strangled cat that had been ran over by a train. The sound was slowly giving me a headache so i knew i had to stop whatever it was. 

My legs were like jelly as i tried to move them up the stairs. They were shaking so much that i thought i was going to fall down the stairs at any moment. If i did, it would put me back at square one. I would have to build the courage again to get move up to the first step, and i knew that it would be almost impossible to do it. Somehow, i had gotten to the top of the stairs and saw that my light was on. Just my luck, whatever it was is in my room... Stupid Paranormal Activity scaring the crap out of me. When i get back downstairs, if i got back down there, i was throwing that dvd in the bin. Wh ywould people make money out of scaring the absolute Smeg (Red Dwarf quote) Out of people. I had reach my door by this stage, The coldness pooling at my feet. I took a deep breath and wished that whatever it was would kill me quickly. 

I shut my eyes and stepped into my room

A/N Hey guys! Sorry that this is just a filler but i hope that you liked it. Leave comments on what you think it could be in Harry' Room, i would like to hear what you think it is. Please tell your friends and fan me if you want. Thanks for reading!!!

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