1. i'm ready to make that turn before we both crash and burn

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"Hannah, you're with Harry."

I didn't know it yet, but those 4 words would change my life forever.


I entered my history class with my headphones in and hood up. Usually, I'm a bit more kept up, but today had started out bad. My alarm didn't go off this morning, my car wouldn't start, and I was late to homeroom. I slid into my usually seat next to the window and closed my eyes, drowning out the sound of other student walking in.

"Good afternoon class," Mr. Harding said as the bell rang.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Harding," everyone chimed. I spaced out after that, only catching bits and pieces of what my teacher was saying. "4 page essay." "Presentation." "Partner assignment."

My head snapped up at the last one. But I work better alone, I thought glumly.

"And here's the best part guys," He smiled and clasped his hands together. "I have already selected who will be partnered with whom."

A chorus of groans was heard throughout the classroom, along with the occasional "fuck" or "shit."

I rolled my eyes and spaced out once again as he picked up his roster sheet and began to pair everyone up. There was a lot of commotion as people got up out of their seats to move next to whomever they were working with.

"And Hannah," Mr. Harding looked at me with a small smile. "You're with Harry."


I smiled when I heard my name get called.

Hannah Miller, I thought. Smartest girl in class. Should be easy.

I looked over at the red-haired girl, whose face had gone from completely uninterested to totally horrified.

What did I do to her?

I quickly shook off the feeling of dismissal and stood to move over to Hannah.

"Hey." I said once I was standing over her. "I'm---"

"I know who you are." She cut me off sharply.

"Okay?" I questioned , taken aback.

"Look," she said, standing. "I want to work with you about as much as a cat wants to take a bath. So make this easy on the both of us and stay out of my way. "

And with that, she grabbed her bag, walked up to Mr. Harding and left the room. I sat down,a bit confused. What the fuck just happened?

Authors Note: Hey gaiz! we're back in business. You might not notice within the first few chapters, but Honeymoon Avenue has changed. It won't be as many chapters as I originally wanted it, but that's the price you're gonna have to pay. i will post on a weekly basis, and i will try not to put hella long author's notes at the end. Um.... so yeah. I'm glad to be back. Enjoy!

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