2. fall back? bitch, no one told you to lean forward

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I quickly took my dismissal note from Mr. Harding and rushed out the main school building, heading for the football bleachers. The walk out to the field was gruesome, but it was peaceful and beautiful out there. I always go to the bleachers when I need to think, or just need a bit of time to myself.

 Just as I had gotten myself settled on a bleacher, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket,

From: Unknown

Hey, meet me at my house today at 4.

 Unknown contact? I wonder who the hell that could be. The only people I have in my phone are my little brother Travis and my father. I don't really have a lot of friends, even though I moved here 7 years afo. I've never been good at making friends because I always had my mom. But she passed when I was 15 and making friends never really appealed to me after that. 

To: Unknown

 Who is this?

 My phone chimed almost immediately after I hit the send button.

 From: Unknown


 I rolled my eyes and quickly saved his number before I messaged him back.

From: Hannah

Why in the hell would I want to go to your house?

 From: Harry :(

To work on the project. Duhhh.

To:Harry :( 

Not gonna happen. Besides, I don't know where you live :/ 

From: Harry :( 

5736 Moon BLVD. 4 pm

To: Harry :(

Still not gonna happen.

From: Harry :(

Then I'll come to yours then?

I let out a frustrated breath before replying.

To: Harry :(


 From: Harry :(

Address please?????

To: Harry :(

5308 Honey Circle* 

From: Harry :(

See you at 4.

 I was about to say fine again when a thought occurred to me.

To Harry :(

How did you get my number? 0.o

From: Harry :(

I have my ways. ;)

I clench my fists, resisting the urge to throw my phone. Fucking asshole. Who does he think he is?


I turned my phone off quickly so that Hannah couldn’t send me back some smart-ass reply. Why should it matter to her how I got her number? It’s her phone number, idiot. Fuck logic. There was no way I was telling her that I’ve had her number since our freshman year. In my defense, I have everyone’s number. It’s the advantage of working in the office for that past four years.

I hopped up as soon as the bell rang. I slid a green beanie on my head and  tried to dodge the countless people trying to talk to me as I headed for my last class of the day, but was unfortunately stopped by Hope.

“Hey sexy, are you free tonight?”

I rolled my eyes and turned to look back at the girl who I've been casually sleeping with for the past few months. “No, I’m not.”

“Awe,” she whined, poking her lip out in a pout. “My parents won’t be home.”

“I can’t. I have school shit to do.” I turned to continue walking, but she gripped my arm, effectively stopping me.

“Since when do you give a fuck about school?”

“Since when do we fuck on a school night?” I crossed my arms over my chest, catching her off guard. “Besides, I don’t know if I want to do this anymore.”

 I saw the shock register on her face quickly, before disappearing.

“Whatever,” she huffed, crossing her arms under her chest and pushing her boobs up. “I just hope you’re not blowing me off for that nerd tramp.”

My head snapped up to look at her. “What are you talking about?”

Ooo, hit a nerve, have I?” She smiled sweetly. “Rumor has it you got partnered with that nerd girl in our grade. Henley or something.”

“Hannah,” I growled. Wait, why was I so mad? She was a total bitch to me earlier.

“Whatever. She’s a total prude. You’d be better off trying to bone a pole.”

“I'm not trying to sleep with her. We’re just partners. And besides, what does it matter to you?” I cocked my eyebrow, shifting my backpack higher on my shoulder.

“It doesn’t,” she stood straighter, defensive. “I’m just looking out for you and your……… needs.”

“You’re not my girlfriend,” I said harshly, setting my jaw. “I don’t need you looking out for me.”

She looked slightly hurt, but tried to hide it. “Whatever Harold. Don’t come running back to me when little miss priss doesn’t put out.”

And with that, she trotted off. I just rolled my eyes again and walked towards the front office, late again.

“You were supposed to be here 5 minutes ago, Mr. Styles.” Edna smirked at me over her glasses.

“I love you too, Edna.” I smiled and took my seat, pulling out my phone and kicking up my feet on the front desk. Edna was the office secretary and one of the coolest teachers on campus.  She was always here when I had a problem and she never judged me, not once. A stranger looking in might find it weird, a seventeen year old boy confiding in a seventy-something year old secretary, but I didn't really care.

“Actually, you can’t just sit today." She got up and walked to where I was, holding a piece of paper. "We have a cut. Officer Johnson said she never left the campus, so we need you to go find her.”

 I stood and adjusted my hat. “Who is she?”

Edna handed me a picture of a girl and I almost choked. “Hannah Miller.”

Author's Note: Here's chapter 2. I'm trying to make a trailer for this, but I'm absolute rubbish at it, so if you can, or you know someone who can, will you please do it??? Please? It would be so greatly appriciated! Thank you guys so much for reading, it means a whole lot to me. Don't forget to vote, comment , and share with all your friends! I love you guys so much!

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