5. remember those walls i built? well baby they're tumbling down

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"I couldn't wait to see that beautiful smile of yours. "

I thought about Harry's words all the way to library. Harry has never shown any interest in me before. Then again, I've been trying to stay as far away from him as possible for the past two years.

"Earth to Hannah. " He said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"I'm sorry, what?" I looked up at him, eyes wide.

"I said," he laughed. "We're here."

Harry gestured towards the large building in front of us.

"Oh, right." I blush, embarrassed at my thoughts. " Then let's go in."

He nodded with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and smiled. Maybe Harry isn't as bad as I made him out to be, I thought to myself. Maybe what happened really wasn't his fault and I just misjudged him.

"Come on!" Harry called from the door. I shook my head and followed him in.

When we got in, Harry pulled me straight to the history section. "I'm gonna go get us set up at a table." He said awkwardly. I nodded and turned back to the books, looking through them and momentarily forgetting every problem I've ever had.

~5 Hours Later~

I pushed the book I was currently reading away from me and threw my pen down on my notes. "I don't think I can read anymore."

"Yeah," Harry ran his fingers through his hair. "If I try to take another note, my fingers will fall off."

I chuckle and clean everything up, returning the books to their shelves. "It's a good thing my house is only 2 blocks away."

"Yeah." Harry packed all of our notes away in his binder and threw it in his backpack. "You ready to go?"

I nodded and followed him out.

"So," he said slowly as we walked. "Still don't want to tell me why you practically ran me over like a damn bus earlier?"

"Nope." I said.

"Okay," he bit his lip. "So what's your favorite color?"

I smiled. "Green."

"That's mine!" He smiled, the dimple in his left cheek appearing. "What's your favorite food?"


"Gross!" He scrunched his nose, looking disgusted. "It's all about the spaghetti."

I rolled my eyes. We continued like that all the way back to my house. I learned that Harry's favorite band was Nirvana, he loves to get naked, and he wants to name his first daughter Darcy.

"Why Darcy?" I laughed as we got to my front porch.

"I don't know," he shrugged, a smile set on his face. "It's just really cute."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Okay Styles."

I turned to my door, but Harry grabbed my arm and spun me back around, pressing me to the door. His face was only a few inches from mine.

"There you go again," I joked lightly. "Pushing me into stuff."

He chuckled and tilted my chin up. "I had a lot of fun today," he whispered.

Before I could respond, Harry pressed his lips to mine. I sighed, kissing him back. His hands roamed my sides, finding their final destination on my hips. I tangled my fingers into his hair and tugged lightly, causing a small moan to slip out of his mouth. I smiled and pulled away.

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