10.give a little time to me or burn this out

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I stood at my locker Monday morning, filling it with everything I knew I wouldn't need until after lunch. Besides a few text messages and a call, I didn't really hear from Harry all weekend, which gave me the time I needed to think. Although, I've already said I would give him a chance or whatever, there was still a lot going in my mind. Mainly, what happened with him.

Speak of the devil, I spotted Harry across the hall, talking to a group of what looked like freshman girls. A spark of anger grew in the bit of my stomach, but I took a second look at them and it went away. There was no reason for me to be jealous.

It was almost funny, the way they were hanging onto his every word. I watched as he pulled out his phone and did something really quick before shoving it back in his pocket. A second later, my phone buzzed.

From: Harry

It's rude to stare you kno ;)

I smiled and cut the display on my phone off. Shutting my locker, I slung the strap of my bag over my shoulder and started pushing my way through the mass of bodies, headed for homeroom. Before I could take even two steps though, I felt someone grab my arm and push me back against the locker.

"You didn't want to say hi to me?" His familiar cool breath fanned over my face as he whispered.

"You looked a bit occupied," I responded harshly, peeking up into Harry's bright green eyes.

"Are you jealous, Hannah?" he chuckled.


"Good," he smiled and stepped forward, pressing himself against me. "Because I'm taking the blonde one out this Saturday."

"What?!" I snapped, pushing him away.

"I knew it!" He laughed. "You are jealous!"

"I'm not jealous," I said. "You can do whatever the fuck you want to."

I turned to storm away, but Harry pulled me back, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly.

"I was joking Hannah," he whispered.

"I don't care," i replied. "As I said, you can do whatever you want."

"I want to do this." He placed his lips over mine, kissing me softly. At first, I resisted, pushing at his chest. But Harry just held me even tighter, pressing his lips to mine harder. I kissed him back, the faint taste of mint evident on his breath.

"You should get to class," he whispered as he pulled away. I nodded and took a step back.

"Later," I said, turning and heading for class.

"Laters, baby." He chuckled faintly.


I watched her disappear into the crowd of people before turning around and heading for my own home room class. I got to English early, so I pulled out my phone. But before I could do anything, Niall slid into the seat next to me and snatched it away.

"Who's the lucky girl this week, Styles?" He chuckled, unlocking my phone.

"Your mom," I grumbled. "Give me my phone back."

"Haha, very funny. I'm serious. What girl had you so damn occupied last Friday that you missed the party."

Shit! After everything with Hannah and my dad, I had forgotten all about that damn party.

"It's no one," I lied.

"Who's Hannah?"

I quickly snatched the device from his hands and shoved it in my pockets. "Like I said, no one."

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