4. all the broken dreams; take everything. but they can never have yesterday

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The moment I walked in my front door, I smelt food.

"Travis?" I called, dropping my bag and heading for the kitchen.

"Hey, Hannah banana!" my little brother said, without turning to me. "Why are you home so early?"

"Teacher dismissed early," I lied, hopping up on the counter next to where he was seasoning chicken. "Where's Emma?"

"Dad took her to get a check up."

I nodded and grabbed an apple, sinking my teeth into it. "When will they be back?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Any minute now."

As if on cue, I heard the garage door open, signaling that my father and baby sister were home.

"Hi dad," I said, greeting them at the door and taking 2 year old Emma from his arms.

"Home a bit early, Hannah ?" He raised his eyebrows in question.

I smiled, ignoring his question. "What happened at the doctors?"

"Nothing," he said, dropping his jacket on the back of one of the dining room chairs. "They just wanted to make sure everything was okay since what happened with Mom."

I swallowed hard, remembering the night Emma was born, which also happened to be the night I lost my best friend.

To clear things up, my mom died after giving birth to Emma. Emma was born 3 weeks late by emergency c-section. My mom's fragile and delicate heart couldn't take all the stress and commotion, and she died of a heart attack. The worst part was, I was the one to find her.


"She's cute, isn't she?" My father whispered, teary-eyed.

"She's got your big head, dad." Travis joked.

I couldn't speak, I was so happy. After 10 agonizing months of waiting, listening to my mother's constant bitching and complaining, my little sister was finally here. I finally had someone I could pass down all my clothes and stuff to. I wiped a stray tear from my eye.

"I'm gonna go check on Mom," Travis said, taking me from my thoughts.

"No," I stopped him. "I'll do it. I want to talk to her about something anyway."

He nodded and I patted his head before walking away, headed for my mothers room.

I stood in the doorway, watching her sleep for a moment.

"Mom," I called, approaching her.

No answer. She was probably just sleeping.

"Mom," I tried again, a bit louder. Still no  response. My lip began in tremble with fear.

No, I thought. This can't be happening.

I shook her slightly, and when she didn't respond, I pressed two fingers to her wrist, checking for a pulse.

There wasn't one.


"Hannah!" My father called.

"What?" I snapped, torn from my flashback. I looked and noticed that Emma had been taken from me and was now in Travis' arms.

"You left us," he said gently, rubbing my back. "We don't know where you went, but you damn sure weren't here."

"I was remembering," I whispered, looking down at my hands. "That night. The night she died."

"Hannah that was 2 years ago. You shouldn't be thinking about that night." Travis said.

"Easy for you to say!" I snapped at him, angry tears welling up in my eyes. I wiped them away quickly. "You didn't see her! You didn't see the color drained from her face, or feel how cold she was!"

"Hannah calm down." My father spoke.

"No! I won't calm down" I stormed away, grabbing my keys. I threw on a jacket and walked out the door, slamming it on my out


I was 15 minutes early, but I couldn't stand to just lie around my house doing nothing. I was about to knock on Hannah's door when I heard screaming and yelling.

"No! I won't calm down!" I heard Hannah yell, and about 30 seconds later, she ran straight into me.

"Dammit Harry!" she screamed, pushing past me and walking down the street.

"Wait," I called after her.

"What the fuck do you want?" She stopped but didn't turn back around.

I jogged to catch up to her. "Are you crying?"

"Fuck you!" she stormed off again.

"Shit." I chased after her again, grabbing her arm to stop her. "I'm serious Hannah. Are you okay?"

"Let go of me, Harry."

"Not until you answer me!"

"No! No I'm not okay. Are you fucking happy?" she yanked her arm out of my grasp, but didn't storm away again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, pushing a stray lock of hair out of her face.

She shook her head, eyes cast down.

I should just leave. This girl has been nothing but a bitch since I met her, and that was just a few hours ago. I should just walk away and let her deal with whatever she's going through alone. But, being the amazing (note the sarcasm) person that I am, I didn't. Instead, I tilted her chin up to look at me.

"Why were you at my house so early?" She asks quietly.

I laughed. "Is that really what you're worried about?"

She smiled and I used my thumb to wipe the tears from under eyes.

"I just noticed." She shrugged. "You weren't supposed to get there until 4. I left my house at least fifteen minutes before that."

"If you must know," I exaggerated. " I couldn't wait to see that beautiful smile of yours."

Wait, what?! Where the fuck did that come from?

She looked as confused as I felt, but once I said the words, I knew they were true.


I nod. " That and I had nothing to do at my place."

She nods. "So we should probably go to the library since I'm not ready to go home yet and we have a project to work on."

"Okay," I laugh lightly and turn, walking towards the library.

Author's  Note" Woah Harry.. getting a bit sappy are we?

SURPRISE!!!!!! #doubleupdate

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