6. what the hell is happening right now?

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A loud and annoying buzz woke me up the next morning. I groaned and rolled over, shutting my alarm off. Images of yesterday flashed behind my closed eyelids. The flashback, the library, the kiss. I smiled and ran my tongue over my lips, the faintest trace of mint still lingering.

Rolling over lazily, I checked the time on my clock. 7:45. Shit! I had to be at school in 30 minutes!

I got up quickly, rummaging through my drawers for something quick to put on. I decided on a cotton candy pink tank top and baggy grey sweats, slipping into a pair of black and white Nike high tops. I brushed through my deep red hair and pulled into a tight low bun. I did my makeup quickly, sticking to a bit of mascara and shaping my eyebrows.

I heard my phone buzz and grabbed it, taking note in the fact that I now had 20 minutes left. Checking my phone, I noticed I had a new picture message from Harry.

From: Harry


I rolled my eyes and chuckled, snapping a quick picture and sending it to him.

To: Harry

Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?

I shoved my phone in my pocket and grabbed my bag, rushing down the stairs. Travis was already down there, eating a banana.

"Hey, I'm taking the red car," I asked, grabbing an apple and biting into it. A few months ago, when Travis turned sixteen, my dad went out and bought my brother his dream car. Unfortunately, Travis took his driving exam that same day and failed miserably. The only place he was ever allowed to take the car alone was his job at the bowling alley, and our aunt's house, who lives a few miles away. So in the meantime, we've just had this nice red car sitting in front of the house, unused with a full tank of gas.

"What's wrong with your car?" He raised his eyebrows.

"It took hella long to start yesterday and I don't have time to wait for it this morning. Please don't tell dad," I pouted my lip.

"Fine," he sighed.

I smiled and headed out to the red Jeep Wrangler, getting in the driver's seat and waiting for my brother. I pulled out my phone and noticed I had two new messages, both from Harry.

From: Harry

Takes me five minutes

From: Harry

What are you doing tonight?

I roll my eyes and quickly respond. It took all of about thirty seconds before my phone dinged again.

To: Harry

Nothing. Why?

From: Harry

Party. Go with me.

I gasped, that night returning to mind.

To: Harry


I shut my phone off quickly, wiping away the tears that had threatened to spill over.

"You okay?" Travis asked, getting in.

"Fine," I said, starting the car. Thankfully, he doesn't push it. The whole ride to school is quiet.

"I have work staright after school, so no funny business." He called loudly as he hopped out the car and started walking away. I smiled and got out as well.

"Got it. Have fun at school." He groaned at my embarrassing outburst, but I just laughed.

I rush into the office, grabbing a late slip and heading off to my locker. I shove all the books I don't need for my first few classes into my locker and slam it close.

"What did that poor locker ever do to you?" An all too familiar voice says behind me. I turn and look up into his deep jade eyes.

"Get to class, Styles," I smile.

"Same to you, Miller." Harry grinned down at me, dimples appearing deep in his cheeks. I was so very tempted to poke them.

"You're drooling Hannah," he whispered, taking a step closer.

I chuckled but didn't speak. My eyes fluttered closed as his lips came down to meet mine. My hands naturally found their way into his hair, his hips pressing mine back into my locker.

"Class," I gasped a few seconds later, coming up for air.

He laughed, a melodic sound, and pulled away. "See you in fifth," he whisper, pecking my lips and walking away.

I smile and bite my lip, heading for first. What the hell am I getting myself into?


"Detention, Mr. Styles." My English teacher said as I walked in. I ignored her, walking back to my usual seat in the back of the room.

"Where were you?" My best mate, Niall, whispered as I sat down.

"I got.......caught up with something," I said back, biting my lip and smiling. "What are we supposed to be doing?"

"Reading the last few chapters of Wuthering Heights and annotating it."

I nod and pull out my battered and over-read copy of the famous Emily Brontë novel, opening it so it looked like I was reading. Pulling out my phone, I tapped on the message icon and noticed that Hannah had responed.

From: Hannah :)


To: Hannah :)

Why not?

I waited, but no response came. After a good fifteen minutes had passed, I sighed, putting my phone back in my pocket and picking up my book to actually read.

When the bell rang, I quickly packed up my stuff and left, grabbing my detention slip from the teacher. Hannah was at her locker, talking to the last person I wanted her to talk to.

"Hannah!" I yelled over the mass of students. She looked up, a mix of hurt and anger in her eyes.

I stopped right next to her.

"Hey babe," Hope drawled. "You left something at my house last night." She had a wicked smile on her face as she held up a pair of black boxer briefs.

Author's Note: Okay so I know I said that I wasn't going to update until I got 25 votes, but I updated anyway. So Im saying this now, until Halo gets 30 votes total, I WILL NOT BE POSTING CHAPTER 7. I repeat, CHAPTER 7 WILL ONLY BE POSTED IF HALO GETS A 30 VOTE TOTAL! I mean, come one guys, that's not even a lot. I work really hard on this and if you can't take the time out to vote, then why should I take the time out to update?

PS. I know the trailer is shit. I will post a new one soon.

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