8. i will not make the same mistakes that you did

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I fumbled with my keys, slightly agitated that Harry had insisted on talking now. When I finally got the door open, we're greeted with the sound of a screaming Emma.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask, taking her from Travis.

"I don't know, but I know if I'm late again, I'm gonna be fired." He grabbed his keys, not taking any notice in Harry's presence. "Your car is fixed. Dad said he won't be home tonight so you're on your own for dinner."

I nod, cradling the crying child in my arms. He kisses the top of her head, then hugged me and left.

"Wow," Harry said, reminding me that he was there. "Quite the brother you have there."

I rolled my eyes and took Emma in the kitchen, searching for her bottle. "Do you want some milk, Em?"

She nodded slightly, her cries dying down to small whimpers. I smiled and set her in the counter while I poured some milk in her bottle. I placed her in front of the television, turning on Sesame Street.

"Talk," I said, turning to face Harry.

"Where do you want me to start?" He asked, rubbing his hand in the back of is neck.

"Start with explains why, not even a full hour after you kissed me, one of the hottest girls in school shows up to my locker holding your boxers. " I crossed my arms.

"Those weren't mine," he said, taking a step towards me. I took one back. "Hannah, please trust me. "


"Because I'm telling the truth! Those were two sizes too small to be mine." His face was sincere. As much as I didn't want to defend Harry at the moment, I saw that the boxers were too small to be his. But I didn't care about the boxers.

"That's not what I meant. Why did you kiss me?"

He looked taken back, a look of confusion on his face. "I don't really know. I mean you're pretty and I was thinking about kissing you, so I reached out and did." He shrugged.

I was quite for a moment before I responded. "I think you should leave."

"What? Did I say something wrong?" He looked confused.

"No. I just have a lot of homework to finish and I have stuff to do. I need time to think."

He nodded and turned to the door. He got all the way to the door before turning and swiftly walking to me. He lifted my chin with two fingers and pressed his lips to mine softly.

"Don't take too long," he whispered, then left.


"Why do you look so happy?" My sister asked as I walked in my house, looking up from the couch.

"None of your damn buisness," I bit back quickly.

"On the contrary little brother," she crooned. "It's my job to make sure your life is a living hell. In order to do that, I have to know the reason why you're so happy, so I can destroy it." She smiled wickedly, standing right in front of me.

I rolled my eyes and pushed past her, headed for the kitchen. "Mom, when is da--"

"Hello Harold," my father said as I turned the corner to the dining room.

"Hello Michael," I replied smoothly.

He rose from his seat at the head of the table and held his hand out to me. I shook it.

"Where's my mom?"

"Anne is cooking," he said, sitting back down and gesturing towards the kitchen. I nod gruffly and walk away.

"Hi mom," I say, walking up to her and kissing her cheek.

"Hey hun," she replied. "Help me set the table, wouldya?"

I nod and grab the plates and silverwear, then walk back to the dining room where Gemma and my father were conversing quietly.

"Ahh, Harry," he says, looking up. "we were just talking about you."

"Probably planning my demise," I mumble a bit loudly as I set the table. If he heard me, he chose to ignore it.

"Gemma just made the brilliant suggestion that you come with me to New York once you finish Year 12." Didn't I say we had different views of my father?

"No way in hell."

He looked slightly offended for a moment. "I'll give you some time to think about it."

"That won't be neccessary," I said through clenched teeth. "I said no and I mean it."

"Why are you being so difficult, Har-bear?" Gemma taunted.

"Fuck off, Gem." I spat.

"Language Harry!" My mother hissed, appearing next to me. "Michael, I don't think now is the time to talk about this."

"What time would you suggest, Anne?" he asked, standing and coming around the table so that he was standing right in front of us. Gemma stayed seated. "He should have started looking into his future a long time ago. What better to way than to come work for me?"

"I wouldn't work for you if I was living on the side of the road with not a dime to my name."

"Harry," my mother said calmly. "Let's not be rash. At least think about what your father is offering."

"You're not serious!" I laugh humorlessly, turning to her. "Do you not see what that damn company has done to us?"

"Harry...." my mother tried to reason.

"No! That's my final answer." I faced my sister. "I love you Gem, but seriously? I don't know what the hell made you think I would want to live with him, but I don't." I turned back to Michael. "I will never, not in a million years, want to live, or work, with you."

I turned and walked away quickly, grabbing my cars keys on my way out the door.

I drove around mindlessly for a good 3 or 4 hours before I came to a stop. The door opened before I could knock.


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