3. hair blood red, eyes like night, heart like snow

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I heard the bell ring, but couldn't bring myself to get up and head for the office. I went to put my headphones in and lean back when I saw the faint image of a person walking towards me. I groaned when his unmistakably bright smile came into view.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" he called as he got closer.

"Shouldn't you?" I fired back.

Harry chuckled and kept walking. He was standing at the bottom of the bleachers, looking up at me when he spoke again.

"What are you doing out here?" He began to climb the stairs.

"Smoking a joint. Want a hit?"

"Funny." He mocked, sitting a row beneath me and looking up. "Seriously. What are you doing out here?"

"Why does it matter to you?" I rolled my eyes and stood, hitching my bag on my shoulder and walking down.

Harry was quick to follow. "Where are you going now?"

"As far away from you as possible. " I got all the way to the main building before Harry grabbed my arm and yanked me back, pressing me up against the wall.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed.

"What the fuck is your problem?" he growled, face just inches from mine. "I have been nothing but nice to you and all you do is dismiss me. What the fuck did I do to you?"

"Well, trapping me against a wall isn't really the nicest of actions. " I struggled against him, but his body blocked mine.

"What did I do, Hannah?" He said a bit softer. I kept my mouth shut and just looked up at him, or more specifically his lips. Nice, full and pink. For a moment, I was tempted to lean forward and taste them.

What the hell, Hannah? He has you trapped against a wall!

He watched the conflict play on my face with a tense jaw and sharp eyes.

The next thing I knew, Harry had grabbed my hand and was dragging me away from the building. I tried to pull my hand out fo his, but his grip was so tight that I gave up quickly. We only walked for a moment before he got to a closet and shoved me in.

"Okay," I said sharply. "I don't think pushing me around is considered nice."

"What did I do to you Hannah? Why do you hate me?" Harry looked angry as hell, but because of how close we were in the closet, I could see his eye rather well. They looked almost.......hurt. I also noticed other things, like the few brown freckles scattered on his face and neck. And his full pink lips that were just screaming at me to lean in for a taste.

What the fuck Hannah! Are you bipolar? You're supposed to hate him!

"Are you going to answer me or just keep drooling?" He broke me out the trance I hadn't realized I was in.

"I'm not drooling," I said quickly. I figured lying was the only way for him to leave me be, so I added, "And I don't hate you."

"Then why are you being so mean to me?"

I looked at him in disbelief. "Are you serious right now Styles? Are you really freaking out because don't like you? Or is it just that someone has finally rejected your 'charm'? " I crossed my arms over my chest and looked up at him boldly in the eye.

"That doesn't answer my fucking question, Hannah!" He was on the verge of yelling.

"I already answered your damn question, Harold!" I shot back. "Now let me the fuck out of here!"

Harry stared down at me for a moment, fuming silently. I raised my eyebrows at him expectently.

"Well..." I pressed.

He took a step back and opened the door, motioning for me to exit.

"Thank you," I said sharply, walking past him. "I'll see you at four?"

"Yeah, whatever." He mumbled.

I nodded and turned on my heal. I didn't dare look back as I headed for the student parking lot.

That was weird.


"I couldn't find her Edna," I lied as I walked back into the office.

"Damn." She looked thoughtful. "Guess I'll just have to mark her for a cut. "

"Guess so," I shrugged absentmindedly, grabbing my bag and hitching it over my shoulder. "I'm going to head out now Edna," I said over my shoulder as I walked out.

"Be on time tomorrow!" she called.

I chuckled and headed for the student parking lot. When I got to my black Range Rover, I threw my backpack in the passenger seat and checked my watch. 2:45. I still had over an hour before I had to be at Hannah's place and school didn't let out for another 15 minutes. I sighed, remembering what just happened.

In all honesty, I don't really know what happened. One minute, I was following her back to the school building, and the next, I had her trapped against the wall staring down at her beautifully pink lips.

Imagine what those lips could do....

I shook my head, attempting to erase the erotic images that had popped into my head. I can't think of Hannah this way. She's my history partner and that's all she will ever be. Two weeks and I won't ever have to even think about her again.

I decided to drive home and wait, stopping at the donut shop to grab my mom an apple fritter.

"Hey honey," she called from the kitchen as I walked in the door. "Home so soon?"

"Yeah," I walk up behind her as she stirs noodle in a pot. She turns her head so I can kiss her cheek. "The office was kinda slow today. I got you something."

I hand her the bag and she wraps an arm around my waist. "You and your sister are going to be the death of me."

 "Where is Gemma?" 

"She's out of town for a few days." My mother turns, setting her pastry on the counter, and goes back to what she was doing.

Gemma and I have always been closer than your average siblings. When someone picked on me, she was there, kicking them in their teeth. And when someone called her names, it was me who gave them a bloody nose. It's quite funny, because while we're so close, my sister and I couldn't be more different. We're always picking on each other and putting each other down. We also have very different views of our father.

I nod and lick my lips instinctively. I turn and head for the staircase. "I'm actually headed out in about an hour," I call over my shoulder.

"Okay," She says back. "But don't forget. You're father's coming over tomorrow for dinner."

Authors Note: Kind of a shit ending, but fuck the police. And the Styles family on the side/top is just so..UGH! My feels kill me sometimes. 

OKay so I know it's not saturday, but my weekend is about to be hectic so I'm going to update today.

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