7. tell me how you tolerate the things you just found out about

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I turned my phone back on once I got settled into my math class. Immediately, it buzzed with a text.

From: Harry

Why not?

"No phones in class, Miss Miller," my math teacher said.

"Sorry. " I quickly turned he display off slipping my phone in my back pocket.

I rushed out when the bell rang a long 40 minutes later. Hope Fuentes was leaning against my locker when I got to it.

"Can I help you?" I asked, a bit harsher than I meant to.

"Are you Hannah?" She asked, flipper her pin straight brown hair over her shoulder. I nodded slowly. "Awesome. Then you can help me. I was just looking for Harry."

"The why are you at my locker?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I figured he wouldn't want to see me, so I thought you could give him his boxers back for me."

My heart dropped.

"Hannah!" I heard his familiar British accent call.

I turned, and sure enough, Harry was quickly approaching. He stopped right next to me.

"Hey babe," Hope drawled. "You left something at my house last night."

I saw Harry's eyes widen when she held up his boxers.

"Hannah I can expl--"

"Save it." I cut him off.

I turned and weaved my way through the mass of students, trying to get away as fast as I could.

"Hannah wait!" I heard closely behind me.

I kept going, not stopping until I got to my next class, English. I don't know when exactly Harry had given up following me, but when I looked back at the door, he was no where to be found.

I took my seat glumly, shoved my headphones in, and drowned myself in the music.

~Head in the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders. I should be wiser and realize that I got one less problem without ya.~


The next few classes went by quickly. I ate lunch out in the bleachers alone, as usual. I dreaded going to history, and had to literally drag myself to Mr. Harding's room.

Harry was already in the room when I get there, but I pretended not to notice him. I could feel his deep green eyes burning a hole in me as I sat down.

"Good afternoon class," Mr. Harding called.

Everyone responded in a chorus of 'Hello's' and 'Good afternoon's.'

"I accidentally left my lesson plans at home today, so I'm giving you an extra class day to work on your projects. Get to work everyone."

I closed my eyes and sighed, my day getting increasingly worse.

"Hey." I looked up to see Harry taking the seat next to me.

I didn't really want to talk to him more than I absolutely had to, so I cut right to the chase. "Do you have the notes from yesterday?"

He nodded and bent down, retrieving the papers from his backpack.

"I'll write the essay. Can you please do the PowerPoint?"

He smirked. " I am fully capable of it, but on one condition." I raise my eyebrow, signaling for him to continue. "Go to the party with me tonight. "

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