9. and there's just no turning back, when your heart's under attack

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I rubbed my eyes and looked down at Emma, who had fallen asleep in my lap. I carefully stood and carried her to her room, tucking her in and turning off her lights. I pushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead gently. I was just heading back downstairs when I heard a car pull into the driveway. I opened immediately, assuming it was just Travis getting dropped off by his girlfriend, Gabbi.


"Hannah," he breathed, a disheveled look in his eyes.

"What are you doing here so late?"

"Can I come in?"

"No. Not until you answer me." I placed my hand on my hip and cock my eyebrow. There was no way I was giving into him this time. Harry was going to answer me before I opened this damn door any further. 

"I needed somewhere to go. Please can I come in?" He pleaded. I sighed and stepped aside, allowing him to walk past me. He went straight for the couch.

"So what's wrong?" I ask, sitting on the opposite end of the couch.

"I don't bite," he laughed.

"I know. Now stop stalling. Why are you at my house at," I checked my phone. "10:34pm on a Friday night?"

"I had some trouble at home." He looked away from me and down at his hands. "I needed to get away."

"Don't you have friends? What about that blonde guy you're always hanging around?"

"I don't want to disturb Niall," he said quietly. "And the rest of them wouldn't give a fuck anyway."

"But why here?" I mean, we've only known each other for the past couple of days. Why on Earth would he want to come here?

"Forget it Hannah," he huffed, standing.

"No wait!" I stood and grabbed his arm, effectively stopping him. "You can stay. "

What the fuck are you doing, Hannah?


Why the fuck did I come here?

I stand to leave, but I feel Hannah's hand on my arm, effectively stopping me.

"No wait!" She says. "You can stay."

I sigh and turn back to her, immediately regretting it once I see that her bottom lip is nestled snugly between her teeth, a warm smile on her face. I'm tempted to crush her to me and kiss her, but I know that my actions may not be welcome. I don't know what it is about this girl, but I know that in the past two days, she has managed to make me completely smitten with her. Never have I ever just wanted to reach forward and kiss a girl. Ever. But her lips are so pink and  inviting, it's hard not to. 

"Penny for your thoughts," she whispers after a moment of silent staring.

"I'm thinking that I want to bite that lip too," I say, bold and honest. I hear her sharp intake of breath.

"Harry, I--"

"Don't," I cut her off, a bit harsher than I intended. She looks at me, a bit taken aback.

I sit her on the couch and kneel in front of her, placing my hands on the couch on either side of her crossed legs.

"Hannah, I know we've only known each other officially for about 2 days, but I really like you. I know you like me back, I can see it in your eyes. I'm not asking you to run to the alter with me, or hell, even tell me your birthday. But I am asking you to give me a chance. Please."

I watch her, biting my lip in anticipation. After a moment, I see her give the slightest of nods. But that's all I need.

I stand and draw her into my arms, then gently place my lips over hers. She holds my sides, not pulling me closer, but not pushing me away either. That's a good sign, right? I slide my hands over hips and pull her onto my lap as I sit back down.

"June eighth," she whispers as we pull away.

I cock my eyebrow in confusion.

"My birthday," she explains. "Is on June eighth."

I laugh and peck her on the nose. "Mine is May 27."

She smiles and bites her lip, leaning back. 

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing. My dad is gonna be home soon."

"Do you want me to leave?" I gesture towards the door.

"Unless you want to meet my father," she replies sarcastically. I bite the inside of  my cheek, but I can't deny that her smart mouth is a bit of a turn on.

"Then I'll stay."

"No. I'm not in the mood to explain this to my dad right now." She stands and holds her hand out for me to get up as well. I take it and follow her to the door.

"I'll see you on Monday?" I ask before I leave.

"It is a school day."

I roll my eyes and lean down, pecking her in the cheek.

"Goodnight Hannah."

"Goodnight Harry." She smiles.

I kiss her one last time, then turn and walk out the door.

A/N: Before all of you get your panties in a twist, I know harry's real birthday is  February 1st. this is the second time im writing this story and in order for everything to line up correctly and all, i had to change his birthday. don't get all hissy and everything. 

Okay so I know I'm updating kinda fast and everything, but ive lost all hope in this story, so i just want to end it already. 

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