RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2: Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Quick disclaimer I'm not gonna be updating as much as I used to due to school and games and all that stuff. I will most likely post the chapters on my days off of school. That being said here is Chapter 2.

You were outside taking Fang for a walk. As you were walking Fang pulled on her leash. You looked down.

You: What is it girl?

Fang put her nose on the ground and sniffed. She started following a scent. You followed behind her until she stopped at an alleyway. She wagged her tail and ran. She came out with a steak in her mouth.

You: Really? A steak?

Fang ignored you and ate the steak. You shook your head.

You: What am I gonna do with you?


You walked into your dorm room, where Fang immediately ran to your bed and laid down. You opened the door to the bathroom. You looked up and saw Bella in nothing but her underwear.

You: AHHHHH!!!

You slammed the door shut and started panting.

Emily: What's wrong?

You: I-I...

You walked to your bed and laid down trying to shake the thought from your head. You got a call on your scroll. It was Ruby. You answered the call.

Ruby: Meet us in the library.

She immediately hung up the call.

You: Well okay then.

You got up but Fang jumped on top of you.

You: Come on girl! I gotta go.

Fang started licking you on the face non-stop. You kissed her and walked to the library. Once there you saw RWBY playing a boardgame. You grabbed a chair and sat next to Blake.

You: How's it going girls?

Yang: Shut up! I'm strategizing!

You: Ooooookay.

You all sat in silence until Ruby spoke.

Ruby: Yang Xiao Long prepare your kingdom for battle!

Yang: Bring it on!

Ruby: I deploy the Alesian Airfleet!

Ruby stood up and held her card in the air while Yang gasped.

Ruby: Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursai and attack your walls directly.

Ruby made airplane noises and put her hands to look like a bird.

Yang: *gasp* You fiend!

Ruby: And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time only last one turn.

Yang laughed causing Ruby to gasp and put a worried look on her face.

Ruby: Pretty sneaky sis. But you just activated my trap card!

Ruby: Whaaaaaaat!

Yang: Giant Nevermore!

Yang slammed her fist on the table.

Yang: If I roll a seven or higher, Vale feathers will slice your fleet in two!

Ruby: But, if you roll a six or lower the Nevermore will turn on your own forces.

Yang: That's just a risk I'm willing to take.

You watched in confusion as Yang moved pieces around the board ending with Ruby's head on the table in tears.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now