RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2: Chapter 12

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You and Bella charged at one of the Death Stalkers, while Emily and Lace tried to take down the Nevermores.

You: Try to be careful this time!

Bella: Yeah yeah.

You and Bella each sliced at one of its eyes. Bella jumped on top of the giant Grimm and stabbed it repeatedly. You stabbed a fire crystal in your left arm and threw a fireball at an oncoming Boarbatusk. You sprayed flames all around you, killing every Grimm coming close to you. Suddenly a King Taijitu wrapped itself around you and squeezed, making you drop your weapon. You could feel all the air in your lungs leaving your body. You set your arm on fire, causing the snake to screech and drop you to the ground. You quickly caught your breath and faced the Taijitu. It lunged at you, but you simply sidestepped out of the way and decapitated it. After a long battle, you and Bella fell to the ground out of exhaustion.

Lace: It's finally over.

Lace and Emily sat down beside you and Bella. You suddenly heard barking. You looked up and saw Fang running towards you. She jumped on you and licked you.

You: Okay okay! I missed you too!

Fang jumped on Bella's stomach and licked her. Bella played with Fang.

Emily: By the way Lace.

Lace looked at Emily.

Lace: Hmm?

Emily: Whenever know what... you said tell Kira you were sorry? Who's Kira?

Lace: Kira was one of my bestest friends in the world as a child. But she's in Atlas right now.

You: So you can't see her anymore?

Lace: Unfortunately.

Suddenly Ozpin walked up to you and Bella and handed you a box.

Ozpin: It's from your Mother.

Ozpin walked off. You opened the box and took out a dragon necklace and a dragon bracelet. There was also a note. It read:

Dear f/n and Bella

I hope you guys are having fun at Beacon. It really sucks that you guys aren't here to accompany me, but I can't wait to hear all the stories of what happened when you two get back! I'm sending you these gifts for a very special reason. Your father made them. He wanted to give them to you guys, but a lot of stuff came up at work. And then, he died. But at least now you will have a reminder of him throughout your time at Beacon. I miss you guys. I miss waking up and getting you two out of bed. I miss you guys fighting over who gets the first plate of food. And I miss the days when you two would fall asleep on my and your fathers lap. I can't wait to see you again. And I hope you feel the same way. I love you both with all my heart.

You heard Bella softly crying. She examined the bracelet.

Bella: I won't let you down dad. I promise.

Bella hugged you. You hugged her back and started to cry. Emily and Lace hugged you both. Everyone let go as Bella put her bracelet on. You put your necklace on. You looked up at the sky.

You: Thank you dad.

And that is Chapter 12! AKA the end of Volume 2! Sorry if this one was kind of short. But thank you to every one who dealt with the long ass waits! And stay tuned for Volume 3! Hope you enjoyed!


Jasper screamed in pain as the Grimm arms were sucking the aura out of her.

Salem: I gave you a simple task! To capture f/n! And yet you failed!

Jasper: Please ma'am!! I promise I won't fail next time! Just give me one more chance!! Please!

The Grimm arms released their grip and sunk back into the ground, as Jasper gasped for air.

Salem: So be it. I'll give you another chance. But if you fail me again...

Salem pulled up a picture of your mother.

Salem: I will have her hunted down and killed.

Jasper: Please don't hurt her! She has nothing to do with this!

Salem: Then maybe next time you won't go down so easily. Leave.

Jasper got up and left. As she was walking, she spoke with the voice in her head.

Voice: How dare that that bitch threaten to kill her!!

Jasper: I don't like it either. But if I want to keep her alive, I have to obey Salem.

Jasper stopped.

Jasper: I won't let you die Krystal. I promise.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now