RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2: Chapter 10

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You and everyone else woke up to Timber screaming in pain. You quickly stood up.

You: What's wrong?!

Timber pointed at his armor. You looked at his armor and saw an EMP attached to it.

Timber: Take it off!!!

Bella quickly ran over to the armor and tried to take the EMP off, but to no avail.

Bella: It won't come off!!

Timber's cries of pain became worse. You sprinted to his armor and used all your strength to rip the EMP off. Once it came off, Timber gasped and fell off the bed. Emily quickly ran to him and healed him.

Bella: Timber. What was that?

Timber weakly crawled to his armor and fixed a few wires, causing the armor to stand as if nothing happened.

Timber: My brain and that armor are connected through neuro technology, which means whatever pain the armor feels, I feel it too. Some bastard put an EMP on the armor, causing it to malfunction, putting my brain through searing pain.

Lace: It's Jonathan.

You all looked at Lace.

Lace: He's here.

Everyone readied their weapons and Timber jumped in his armor. You heard someone come up the steps. You all saw a tall muscular Faunus with fox ears. The same man you saw in your dream a while ago.

Jonathan: Why hello everyone! It's a pleasure to finally meet all of you!

Timber: Cut the goody two-shoes act!

Jonathan looked at Timber with an evil smile.

Jonathan: Come on now Timber. Is that anyway to greet an old friend?

Timber growled.

You: Just back off! It's 5 against 1! You can't win this!

Jonathan hands were suddenly covered in metal fists, and a blade came out of each one.

Jonathan: Let us test that theory.

You: Lace get behind us.

You looked back at Jonathan, who was already in front of you. Before you could react, he kicked you in the chest, sending you backwards. Lace went invisible as Bella and Emily tried to attack him at the same time. Bella swung her glaive while Emily thrusted her sword. Jonathan blocked both strikes and punched Emily in the face. He sweeped Bella's legs out, causing her to fall on the ground as he stomped on her chest. Timber used the thrusters in the back of his armor to rush towards Jonathan. Jonathan blocked Timber's strike with his blades. Timber let his claws out and scratched Jonathan in the cheek. Jonathan stumbled back and wiped the blood dripping from his cheek. Timber ran towards Jonathan again, but Jonathan quickly threw another EMP on his armor, causing him to fall out of the armor screaming. Jonathan slowly walked over the the writhing Timber. You quickly tore the EMP off and ran towards Jonathan.

You: Leave him alone!

Jonathan grabbed you by the throat. You struggled to escape, but Jonathan had an iron grip. He reared his fist back and punched you in the jaw, causing your aura to break. You laid on the ground, too hurt to move. Jonathan kneeled down.

Jonathan: You fought well. But I told you what would happen if you got in my way.

Jonathan took one of his blades and slowly made a long deep gash across your chest. You were screaming in pain. Suddenly Lace shoulder charged Jonathan, sending him crashing into a wall. Jonathan stood up and slowly walked towards Lace. Lace had fear in her eyes as he was walking towards her. Jonathan punched Lace in the stomach causing her to fall to her hands and knees. He stood her back up and punched her over and over, depleting some of her aura with every hit before finally breaking it. Everyone else was too hurt to get up. Bella slowly tried to crawl to her weapon. Jonathan took one final swing with his blade to Laces stomach. Lace let out a big gasp. You felt tears stream down your face.

You: NOOO!!!

Jonathan ripped the blade out of Laces stomach as she fell to the ground.

Jonathan: Well, my work here is done.

Jonathan started walking down the stairs.

Bella: You won't fucking get away with this!!!

Jonathan let out a long and maniacal laugh. He looked at Bella.

Jonathan: I already have.

Jonathan disappeared.

And there's chapter 10! Sorry if this one was a little short. Hope you enjoyed!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now