RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2: Chapter 7

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You and Blake gently swayed to the music. She stared into your eyes and smiled, giving you a warm feeling inside.

You: It's nice to have a day off like this. But it's back to homework and tests and fighting tomorrow.

Blake chuckled.

Blake: Stop worrying. I'm right in front of you, and you're worried about tomorrow?

You: No! It's not like that! I was just concerned about...

Blake laughed at you. You huffed. Blake rested her head on your chest. You wrapped your arms around her.

You: I love you Blake.

Blake: I love you too f/n.

You felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around and saw Sun. You put a frown on your face.

Sun: Mind if I get a turn?

You have him an annoyed look. You looked at Blake for confirmation. She nodded her head. You sighed and let go of Blake.

You: Only for a little bit.

You walked towards the punch bowl and saw Bella sitting down. You walked over to her.

You: Could you at least try to look like you're having fun?

Bella: Could you at least try to hand me a cup of punch?

You laughed and poured her some punch. You sat in the chair beside her. You kept your eye on Sun, in case he tried something funny.

Bella: Jealous much?

You gave her an annoyed look. She stuck her tongue out at you. You saw Cardin and Emily dancing together. You scoffed and looked away.

Bella: I didn't think she was serious. I don't get what she sees in him.

You: I can drink to that.

You held your punch in the air. Bella giggled and bumped your cup with hers. You both chugged your drinks.

You: It's really nice to have some time off of monsters every once in a while.

Bella: Yeah. But it could be better.

You smiled and rolled your eyes. You looked outside and saw someone running on the roofs. You got up.

Bella: I see it too.

Bella got up too. You both walked and saw Ruby walking outside. You followed. You stopped for a second.

Bella: What's wrong?

You turned around and saw Blake. She was looking for you. You felt Bella put her hand on your shoulder.

Bella: You can deal with that later.

You nodded and you both walked towards the CCT tower. You saw multiple guards unconscious in the courtyard. Bella called in her and your locker. You got your weapons and walked into the building, where you saw more unconscious guards. And a few rose petals.

Bella: Ruby was here.

You: Yeah.

You continued to walk until you heard someone behind you walking. You both pointed your weapons at the figure behind you, only to find that it was General Ironwood.

Bella: Aren't you the general from Atlas?

Ironwood: Yes. What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be at the dance?

You: Well you see, we saw someone. So we thought we should investigate.

You gave an awkward chuckle.

Ironwood: Leave this place. I'll take care of everything.

Bella: But-

Ironwood: Now!!

Ironwood walked into the elevator. You started walking back, until Bella stopped.

You: Bella. Come on!

Bella looked at you with fire in her eyes. She reared her weapon back, and swung with all her strength, striking you. All of your aura depleted, and you were sent crashing through the wall into the courtyard. You groaned and looked up in anger and confusion.

You: (weakly) What the fuck is wrong with you?!

Bella walked towards you with an angry expression. All of a sudden, her expression changed to a fearful one. She dropped her weapon and ran towards you.

Bella: Oh my Oum!! I'm so sorry!!

She tried to help you up, but you pushed her away.

You: (weakly) Why would you do that?!

You tried to get up, but you felt a sharp pain in your chest, causing you to grunt in pain and fall back down. You heard Bella crying.

Bella: I-I'm sorry. I didn't see you! I saw Jasper! She's messing with me! She has been for the past week! I see her everywhere! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!

You rested your hand on her shoulder.

You: I'm sorry for getting angry at you. I didn't know.

Blake: F/n!!

You saw Blake, Lace, and Emily running towards you. Blake kneeled down.

Emily: What the he'll happened?! We heard a big crash!

You: We just ran into some trouble. We're fine.

You slowly got up, using Blake for support.

Ozpin: Ms. L/n!

You all turned around to see Ozpin and Goodwitch walking towards you.

Ozpin: I need you to come with me. You too f/n.

Blake gave you a worried look.

You: Don't worry. I'll be fine.

You kissed her to calm her down. After the kiss, she stared into your eyes.

Blake: I love you.

You: I love you too.

And there's chapter 7. Sorry for the big ass wait on this one. A lot of stuff came up. But it's finally here. Hope you enjoyed.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now