RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2: Chapter 8

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Sorry for the long ass wait on this one. A shit ton of stuff popped up and with all the Christmas stuff happening, it's been quite difficult finding time writing this story. But never fear, for I have returned! And I will try to update more often. Anyways, here is chapter 8!

You, Bella, and Ruby were in the elevator to Ozpin's office. Ruby started to press all the buttons.

You: Why exactly are you doing that?

Ruby looked at you and gave an awkward chuckle, causing you to sarcastically roll your eyes. You looked at Bella, who had tears falling down her cheek. You put your hand on her shoulder.

You: Bella. I promise everything will be okay. You just have to trust me.

Bella simply nodded and wiped her tears away. After the long elevator ride, the door finally opened to reveal Ozpin, Goodwitch, and Ironwood standing on the other side of the room. Before you could say anything, Ruby spoke up.

Ruby: Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here. It wasn't me.

Ozpin gave you a look, which you returned with a smug look that let him know that it was Ruby who pushed all the buttons.

Ozpin: F/n. Bella. Could you wait in the elevator until we are done with Ruby?

You: Of course.

You and Bella walked to the elevator. Once the door closed, Bella whispered something.

Bella: I'm sorry.

You looked at her with sorrow.

You: Bella. I know you didn't mean it. I already told you it's okay.

Bella: But it's not. I seriously injured you. What if they kick me out of Beacon.

You: They aren't going to do that! I won't let them. I'm sure if we just explain what really happened, they'll understand.

Bella sighed in response. You both sat in silence until the elevator opened and Ruby walked in.

Ruby: You're up!

You and Bella walked out of the elevator and stood in front of the desk.

Ironwood: Ms. L/n.

Bella shriveled.

Ironwood: Would you mind explaining to us why you attacked your teammate?

Before Bella could say anything, you spoke up.

You: It wasn't her fault! 

They all looked at you, waiting for an explanation.

You: If you want the truth, there's this girl. Her name is Jasper. She was the one who attacked me that night at the docks. She's been messing with Bella's mind for a while now. Jasper made it look like I was her so Bella could attack me. I don't care if you guys believe me or not. Because it's the truth.

They all shared looks between one another.

Goodwitch: How do you know she isn't lying to you.

This got you angry.

You: Because I know my sister well enough to know she would never hurt me like that on purpose! I'm not a damn fool!

Ironwood: I would suggest you calm down!

You: Or what! You little-

Bella: Stop!

All four of you looked at Bella.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now