RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2: Chapter 6

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You and your team were in the ballroom helping team RWBY set up for the dance tomorrow night. You were helping Yang place speakers, Emily and Lace we're setting up tables, and Bella was sitting beside Ruby. Sleeping. You walked up to her and got an idea. You picked up a speaker and slammed it right next to Bella, causing her to jolt awake and fall out of her chair. You and Yang fell on the ground laughing.

Bella: You guys are gonna get it!

You: You were the one who asked to help set up the dance. And you were sleeping!

Bella: You wanna fight?

You chuckled.

You: So you can lose like last time? Sure! Why not?

Bella huffed.

You: Let me guess, you have no one to take you to the dance.

Bella: Nope. Neither do I care.

Emily: You should care. I have a special someone.

Emily blushed.

Bella: And who might this "special someone" be?

Emily: You aren't gonna like it.

You, Lace, and Bella surrounded Emily.

You: Who is it?!

Lace: Tell me pleeeeeease!!

Bella: You know you're gonna tell us sooner or later!

Emily: Fine! It's C-Cardin.

You and your team backed up and gasped.

You: Cardin? Winchester?!

Emily: Yeeeeeeeees?????

Bella's eyes lit on fire.

Lace: Why?

Emily: We've been friends since we were little kids. He is actually a nice person.

You were completely shocked at that statement. But your attitude changes when you overheard something that Yang said.

Yang: Guys. Trust me. Blake will be at the dance tomorrow.

You ran over to Yang with lightning speed.

You: If you can get Blake to go to the dance...

You pulled out 600 lien out and showed it to Yang.

You: ...all of this will be yours.

Yang: Hell yea!!


Bella: This is so stupid!

Lace: Just shut up and stay still!

Bella: Ughhhhhh!!

You watched as Lace was trying to find a dress for Bella to wear. It was honestly entertaining.

Bella: Can't I just go in my normal clothes?!

Lace: Are you crazy?! You have to look formal!

Bella: F/n! A little help here would be nice!

You: You want to know what else would be nice? Walking away.

You giggled and walked over to Emily, who was studying.

You: You're studying? Right before the dance? No picking out a dress, or fixing your hair, or making sure your make up is just right?

Emily: I don't have time for all that right now. I have a test to study for.

You took her notebook from her hands.

Emily: Hey! Give that back!

You: Here's a deal. If you start getting ready for the dance, I'll help you study. Deal?

Emily sighed.

Emily: Yes oh great and powerful team leader.

Emily punched you in the arm and chuckled. You noticed something out of the corner of your eye. It was Emily's diary. You went to grab it, but you heard the sound of metal unsheathing. You slowly looked over and saw Emily with her sword pointed at you.

Emily: Back off.

You put your hands up in surrender and slowly backed away.

You: I was, uh...just checking to make sure you had all your things?

You gave an awkward laugh. Emily grabbed the diary and went into the bathroom.

Lace: There! All done.

You looked over and saw Bella in a purple dress with a long skirt that revealed one of her legs.

Bella: Lace I will seriously give you some dog treats if you don't make me wear this.

Fang jumped in suprise when Bella said dog treats. You threw one at Fang and continued to watch Bella and Lace. You saw Lace's tail wag. You walked up to her and offered a treat. She looked at you in shock.

You: You're a fox. You know you want this.

Lace growled and took the treat and are it rather quickly causing you to chuckle.


You were waiting outside the ballroom, hoping and praying that Yang convinced Blake to go to the dance. You waited for at least 15 minutes. You gave up and started walking to the ballroom until you heard a voice.

Blake: You look good.

You turned around and saw the most beautiful sight ever. It was Blake in a purple dress and a short skirt. You walked up to her and wiped the blood from your nose.

You: You look,

Blake chuckled and kissed you on the cheek. You linked arms and started walking to the ballroom.

You: Please tell me you know how to dance.

Blake: Sort of.

You opened the doors and was greeted by Yang in a plain white dress. Yang giggled.

Yang: Pay up.

You: Yeah yeah.

You handed Yang the 600 lien you promised.

Yang: Pleasure doing business with you!

You and Blake walked up to the dance floor. You put your hands on her waist, and she wrapped her arms around your neck. You and her swayed to the music. You stared into her eyes.

You: You look really beautiful in that dress.

Blake: And you look really good in whatever you're wearing.

Blake giggled and you rolled your eyes. Blake leaned her face towards you, gently pressing her lips against yours. You leaned into the kiss. What felt like an eternity stopped when Blake pulled away for a chance to breathe.

Blake: I'm so glad I met you.

You: That makes 2 of us. But this night would be much better if you took the bow off.

Blake: We both know the answer to that.

You: I tried.

Blake chuckled, causing you to smile. This night couldn't possibly get any better.

And there's chapter 6! Sorry this one took so long. Had a shit ton of crap going on. But here it is! Hope you enjoyed!

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