RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2: Chapter 4

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Okay so before this chapter starts, I just want to say a few things. I know I said I was gonna upload on my days off of school, but I have gotten so many ideas, and I honestly wanna upload more. So starting now I am gonna upload whenever I possibly can. So if there are days where I don't upload, I'm too focused on schoolwork, or gaming, or catching up with friends. So there ya go. Enjoy chapter 4!

You woke up in a big black room. You were expecting your mom, but instead the voice of a man echoed through the room.

???: Hello f/n.

You looked all around you, but you didn't see anyone. You took your sword out.

???: Calm down. I mean no harm.

You looked behind you and saw a tall muscular man walking towards you. You kept your battle stance just in case. Suddenly the man appeared in front of you and punched you in the face, sending you flying to the ground. You tried to get up, but you couldn't.

???: It's no use struggling. I control this dream.

You: What do you want?!

Jonathan: Well first things first my name is Jonathan.

Jonathan smiled.

Jonathan: Jonathan Shoru.

You looked at him with disbelief.

You: Lace's brother?

Jonathan: Precisely.

You growled showing off your anger.

You: You bastard! What kind of man would abuse his own sister?! I swear to god I will AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

You felt a sharp pain run through your body. You felt like you were being crushed.

Jonathan: You need to calm down! I told you I control this dream!

The pain stopped and you gasped for breath.

Jonathan: So, I understand that Lace trusts you and the others to, "keep her safe." Quite pathetic. Her own parents couldn't even protect her. I have also come to know that you will be going on first-year missions soon.

Jonathan looked at you with a grim expression on his face.

Jonathan: I will be there. I'm going to kill Lace. and if anyone gets in my way, I will inflict the worst pain known to mankind on them.

You: You will not lay a finger on Lace!

Jonathan chuckled.

Jonathan: We shall see. Goodbye f/n.

Jonathan walked away. Suddenly the room caught on fire. The fire surrounded you. You woke up and instantly jumped off the couch.

You: Jonathan!

You looked around and saw that you were back in your motel room. You then noticed your weapon was mere centimeters away from Emily's throat. Emily looked frightened. You put your weapon down and sighed.

You: Sorry Emily. I had a nightmare.

You all heard the sound of glass breaking. You looked towards the sound and saw Lace staring at you with utter terror in her eyes.

Lace: What did you say?

You: What?

Lace: You said Jonathan. Did you see him in your dream?

You gave Lace a confused look.

You: How did you know th-

Lace: What did he say?!

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now