RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2: Chapter 11

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You slowly crawled over to Lace, who was struggling to breathe. Once you were able to reach her, you covered her wound with one hand, and tended to the gash in your chest with the other.

You: (weakly) You're going to be okay Lace. I promise.

Lace slowly looked at you. You started to cry.

You: Emily! Get over here!!

Emily didn't respond. You looked over and saw that she was unconscious. Even Bella and Timber was unconscious.

Lace: Just...let me go. F-Forget that you ever knew me.

You: No! Don't fucking say that!!

You quickly crawled over to Emily and shook her.

You: Come on dammit! Wake up!!

Emily woke up and saw Lace.

Emily: Lace!!

Emily quickly healed herself and ran over to Lace and started healing her. But nothing was happening.

Emily: Oh God! It's not working!

Emily started to cry.

Emily: Please don't do this! Please don't take her! Please!!

Lace grabbed Emily's hands.

Lace: Tell K...Kira that I'm sorry.

Lace let out a long sigh.

You: Lace! Lace!!

You slammed your fists on the ground and started crying.

You: No no no no no!!!

Emily started to cry. You heard her growl.

Emily: Jonathan...

You looked at her and saw the rage in her eyes. Her hands were surrounded in aura. Laces stab wound was also surrounded in aura.

Emily: I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!

Suddenly a blinding white light spread throughout the room. You shielded your eyes. Once the light was gone, Emily fell to the ground out of dizziness. You quickly crawled to her.

You: Emily! Are you okay?! What the hell was that?!

Before Emily could answer, you all heard a groaning sound. You both looked back and saw Lace shifting. You noticed that her wound was gone. You quickly crawled over to her and rested her head on your knee.

You: Lace? Can you hear me?

Emily put her hand on Lace's forehead. She smiled and started crying.

Emily: She's alive. She's alive!

You looked at Emily.

You: You brought her back Emily.

Lace: Is he gone?

You: Yeah. He's gone. But not for good.

Emily ran to Bella and Timber and woke them up. They all three ran to Lace.

Bella: You're okay!

Timber breathed a sigh of relief. Lace sat up and started to cry.

Timber: What's wrong?!

Lace: Thank you. Thank you so much! You guys risked your life to save me. And even when the worst possible thing happened you didn't give up on me. So I thank you all. I couldn't ask for more perfect friends!

Bella hugged Lace, then everyone did.

Timber: Hate to ruin the moment, but Jonathan is still out there. Once he finds out you're still alive, he'll come back. What are we gonna do?

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now