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The van came to my house last. Jungkooks waited very patiently the other members said, but I know he wasn't. He put his arm around me as I sat down and moved my head to lay on his shoulder. I smiled and looked at Bambi in front of me holding each others hands. She looked so happy and I helped make her happy. 

When we walked into the school we couldn't do anything to BTS. So we walked in and everyone clapped for us. I blushed from getting the attention. Jungkook bumped me and smirked. I laughed at him being himself. The girls split from the guys for a moment so no one would think we were a thing. I couldn't stop looking at Jungkooks and smiling at him making fun with the other members. 

I saw a few guys looking at me and smiling and laughing. Then the boy I had a crush on for almost all of high school. He walked over to me kind of nervous. I started laughing and talking to Bambi. 

"Hey Um, d-do you want to dance?"He suttered little bit and still looked confident. I smiled and laughed and was about to say yes until Jungkook came and stood beside me and looked in another direction. 

I looked down and back up.  "No I'm sorry." I wanted to smile but the mood wasn't right. 

Jungkooks looked at me. "Why were you about to say yes?"I could tell he was mad. I didn't want to make him mad I just wanted to keep his reputation in check.

"I didn't want anyone to know about us. I didn't actually want to dance with him."I still didn't look at him. I wanted to go somewhere else to talk about this. 

I was about to ask and go to talk about this somewhere else, but Jungkook smirked and OT turned into a smile. I felt his fingers slowly touch mine and our pinkies wrapped around each other and a smile grew across my face. 

I would say I started blushing but I'm black and I doesn't show. They started playing Attention by Charlie put and I looked at Jungkooks big smile.  I started singing and he sung along with me. We were having second duet together. Then the lady taking pictures came and asked us for one.  I turned away because I didn't know if I looked beautiful in this dress. 

Then Jungkooks moved my hands from my face and said.  "You look beautiful. Trust me." He placed my hands around my waist and placed his over mine.  I smiled as he held me tight. Because I don't smile for pictures unless something is funny. 

"Thank you." The lady said and told us to come and get our picture after the party. After the Prom we were all tired and sweaty. I was the last one to get dropped off and Jungkooks decided to stay over. 

I was sceptical at first but I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could before he left. We got to my room and I went to the bathroom to change and Jungkook changed in my room. I changed into my shorts and t-shirt. I knocked on the door to see if he was finished.  

"You can come in.  I'm done." He said. I walked in and hung my dress up in my closet. I wondered what to do with it since I'm not going to wear it again. I sat next to him on my bed and looked at him. I touched his luscious red hair and felt how soft it was. He smiled and grabbed my hand so gently. He moved my hand down to touch rub against his cheek. 

His skin felt so soft and smooth. I started to feel a tingle in my womanhood. I wanted to do something. I moved my hand from his cheek and kissed it. Then I put my hands between my legs and looked at the wall. 

A few minutes later he moved his hand down my arm and to my hands. He didn't touch anything but grabbed my hand and held it. We didn't say anything we just sat there and looked at the wall.  

I looked the time and it was already 12:40. I uttered "I love you." and I felt his head move to get more comfortable. The lifted his head and kissed me on the lips. Then later his head in my lap. I stared at the wall and pulled him up off me. He was stunned when I kissed him back. I wanted him more than ever. I started passionately kissing him. The tingle down there was growing and I wanted to fulfill what it wanted and what I wanted.  

I later back on the bed and he moved his lips to my neck, which made my back arch. I started to feel under his shirt and touch his abs. Then he got up and took his shirt, but before he did that he asked. "Do you really want to do this?"I shook my head. 

"I just want to be with you." I got up and started kissing him again. I almost lost my virginity that night, but I had enough sense to stop. He grinned on me so hard my vagina hurt the next day and I had hickeys on my neck and chest. Jungkook as scratches all down his back and hickeys on his neck, shoulder, and chest.  

That was the best night ever. 

The End. 

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