Love Thy Sister (Lesbian Story): Chapter 14

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Mom and Dad are really taking this whole parental thing to the extreme. I mean it’s like they stayed up all night and read those bullshit parenting books that only work for Nazi parents. This morning they had us wake up at 5am to make up our bed, wash properly (since apparently we don’t wash properly), and then iron our clothes, eat breakfast, and go to school early to speak with our teachers. First of all school doesn’t start officially start until 7:30am. Abbey and I usually wake up at about 6:30 so we have a half hour to get dressed and then a half hour to leave out the door. So waking up at the crack of dawn is not our forte whatsoever. Oh and mother bought us these horrific outfits and insisted that we wear them. Of course Abbey and I wore them then ditched them before we got into the building. Yeah and that whole speak with our teachers shit definitely did not happen.

 How can people just decide when they want to be parents? I mean honestly especially when you adopt your children. How can you just decide to neglect them for such a long period of time then barge in and play mommy and daddy? What is wrong with these people?! I am so infuriated right now. I hate being told what to do. Most rules are made so that people will not cause a threat. Apparently Mother and Father feel as though if they set these strict rules that Abbey and I won’t revolt. Well I can tell you right now they have another thing coming to them if they think that I won’t revolt. I keep telling myself that we only have a few more years left in this hell hole but for some reason these years aren’t going fast enough.

To be honest I’m afraid of my mother and father…it’s like they don’t have a soul. I’ve never felt any warmth from them since I’ve known them. They are both so cold. Even their eyes are cold and unwelcoming. Especially mother, she’s like a black widow. I wouldn’t be surprised if she offed father just to take all of his money, ship us off to boarding school and bask in her wealth. Father is evil as well, but for some reason I feel more comfort from him. I can actually see a glimpse of his heart. I honestly think he’s afraid of mother also. He dismissing every argument so easily and never looks her directly in the eye. That’s control right there. That woman has the undying urge to control everything around her.

There has to be some way out of here. I could get emancipated and come back for Abbey. It would be easy right? I could just start gathering evidence proving that Mother and Father are crap and that I can stand on my own two feet and take care of Abbey as well. It wouldn’t be that hard. After school I’m going to the library and I’m going to start researching all of this. There has to be some way out of this hell. Hopefully Abbey will come with me and hopefully she’ll want to go along with my idea as well. To be honest I don’t think she’ll be okay with the idea of me wanting to fully break away from our parents. She isn’t bold enough. Deep inside I know she feels so crippled by them and fears leaving them forever. I on the other hand am willing to face my fears and break free from them.

I wonder what ultimate freedom feels like. I wonder what it feels like to not have to second guess anything in fear of being punished. I wonder how it feels to not be trapped in this little gated community. I wonder how it feels to just be able to go wherever I please and not worry about the consequences. The first thing I’m going to do when I leave my parents forever is have free time. Of course I’m going to work on making Abbey free as well, but I want to experience my first taste of freedom.

I wonder what would happen if Abbey didn’t want to break free from our parents. I mean what if I break free and she refuses to go? That would be my worst nightmare. It’s like escaping from a castle that contains two fire breathing dragons then going back to save your lover and they don’t want to be saved. That means you would have risked everything for nothing. Abbey wouldn’t mess with me like that would she? Of course not, I love Abbey and she loves me. I’ll escape from this castle then go back for her and we’ll be in love forever. It’ll happen I just know it will. I crave the feeling of freedom rushing through my veins. I’ll feel that rush of freedom one day and Abbey will feel that rush of freedom one day too. Right?


I actually have parents for once. What I mean by that is that Mom and Dad are trying to bring structure back to this fucked up family. This morning Mother woke Crystal and me up at about 5am and told us to wash, get dressed, eat breakfast and hurry off to school. Of course she demanded us to do it, but for some reason I liked the structure. For almost my whole life Crystal has been my substitute for structure. And by her only being a year older than me she wasn’t much of a structure. I’m not saying that Crystal has been a crappy caregiver; I’m just saying that it feels good to have an adult step in for once.

I mean mother even went as far as buying Crystal and me these outfits. They weren’t really my taste, but just the thought of Mother wanting us to buy is clothes like a real parent makes me happy. Father even had a conversation with us at breakfast this morning. Yeah, we actually had breakfast this morning too. It may have been just one of those microwavable meals, but still it was breakfast. Mother kept scolding Crystal and I for slouching though and threatened to tie us to our chair so we would sit up correctly, but still it was a family breakfast. We even got to school a half hour early because Mother and Father demanded that we get to school early to get a head start on our studies.

Crystal is completely resenting all of their changes. She ripped up the outfit that Mother bought us and purposely walked into class late to rebel or something. I tried to calm her down, but she was just so angry. I don’t understand it.  I mean yeah they’ve been crappy parents all of our lives, but they’re trying to change it. I swear I saw some warmth in mother’s eyes today. She smiled at us for once. Usually mother keeps this blank expression on her face while she’s talking to u, but today she managed to smile. Maybe tomorrow she’ll manage to laugh a little.

I’m not saying I completely forgive mother for everything she’s done for me, but I’m just saying maybe we can one day build some sort of relationship. I want to tell Crystal how I feel about all this, but I know she’ll look at me like I’m crazy and bring up the incident. After the incident I think Crystal decided that she would never love or even care about mother. I remember Crystal arguing with mother about how she didn’t seem to care at all. It still scares me when I think about it all. I remember it like it was yesterday. I came to bed crying because I was so upset; she held me then marched into Mother and Father’s room and started yelling. Mother smacked her across the face and they both just started fighting. It didn’t end until Father screamed and threatened to have Crystal put away. I know that if it wasn’t for me Crystal would have kept going and she may have even killed mom. It sounds a bit bizarre, but Crystal has a deep hate for Mother. She’s not found of father either, but can tolerate him a bit more.

I worry about Crystal so much. I know we both cope with our parent’s neglect differently, but I think Crystal just doesn’t deal with it which is why she rebels and hurts so badly from it. I’m not saying my harmful ways of coping are any better, but she just doesn’t have any release. Today she’s been talking all this crazy talk about getting emancipated or whatever. I honestly don’t think she’s going to go through with it though. She’s not bold enough to do it. Then again I don’t know Crystal is a very bold person when she wants to be. Hell, you have to be bold to survive in this household. You have to be even bolder to escape it. Maybe even insane to escape…but after all Crystal is insane….

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