Love Thy Sister (lesbian Story): Chapter 22

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Originally I was going to have Crystal's part along with this one, but that would make the story end in less that 3 chapters. Unfortunately after this chapter there is only two left. This is a very sad chapter, but I really hope you can enjoy it. 


So much can happen in so little amount of time…it’s been two weeks since I last wrote in you and my life has changed drastically. When I last wrote in you Crystal and I were homeless and living on the streets of downtown. We had no direction and we were losing hope for everything around us. We were just two lost souls and no one seemed to care. The Amber Alert was out for me and I feared every second, I did not want to be found.

It took me a whole week to agree with Crystal and go to Savanna’s house. Like she expected they welcomed us in with arms wide open. It felt so good to actually be wanted by a parent figure. I expected them to be at least a little suspicious about Crystal and I just showing up at their door, but they weren’t. In a way it sort of felt like they were angels in disguise just waiting for us to accept their help. This isn’t such a cold world after all.

As soon as we came in they wanted to know what happened. I guess they could tell by the dirt on our clothes and the desperation on our faces that we were doing more than saying hello. They offered us a bath and a hot meal as soon as we came in. I gladly accepted, and strangely so did Crystal. We told them every single detail and they listened without interruptions. We left out the fact about our relationship. The way they all listened made me feel as though I was really speaking to three angels who wanted to help us.

They were so angered by how Mother and Father had treated us. They were shocked even. They waited until morning to call the cops who then called child protective services. Child Protective Services were three words I was always afraid to utter because I thought I would be separated from Crystal forever. But that day I did not fear those words. I remember eavesdropping when Savanna’s mother called the child protective services. They wanted information about what they knew and they wanted to meet Crystal and I the next day.

When they came they kept pelting us with all these questions. I answered every single one honestly and openly. I even took out my phone and showed them some of the scars Mother and Father had given me over the years. Crystal still has a mark on her face from the night when Mother slapped her so that was her evidence. The entire process was like draining everything that had happened in my entire life.

Of course Mother and Father weren’t going to go down with a fight. The day when Mother and Father came over to meet Savanna’s parents and discuss everything was horrible. They threw their nose up at the house and denied every single last thing Crystal and I said. I thought for sure Savanna’s mother and father were going to beat them up. It was back and forth argument between them both. It got to the point where Savanna’s parents told Crystal, Savanna, and I to just go upstairs so we didn’t have to hear all the arguing, we still heard it though.

As you can imagine the only way this could all be settled is going to court. Our court sentence is next week. I don’t know all the legal things involved with it, but I do know that if Savanna’s parents win Crystal and I will be adopted by them…well I will at least. For some strange reason Crystal still wants to get emancipated. Her birthday is also next week and she’s been doing all this heavy research on how to get emancipated. She said she’s going through with it because she wants to be free for once in her life. I told her she’s insane and that she should just go through with everything because chances are that Savanna’s parents are going to win. I told her it’s everything that we always wanted and she said it was what I always wanted. I’m just now figuring out that we both want different things.

I’ve realized that in the past two weeks Crystal and I are completely two different people. We’re we want completely different things out of life and it’s all too much to handle. Crystal’s depth makes me appear shallower than a puddle. The way she sees things is in a way in which I could never see things. I love her, but I think love can only stretch but so far between us. In a week Crystal will be parted from me. It will no longer be Crystal and Abbey, it will just be Crystal. All the things that we have gone through are just memories now. The past few months were just the ending of one life and the beginning of another.

Being in love with Crystal is something that will forever be a part of me. I will always be in love with her and I will always love her more than a sister. I guess it’s like the old saying; “If you love something set it free.” Crystal needs to be set free and she wants to be free more than anything. In my heart I was always a free bird and wanted to be caged. I wanted to be captured by people who would truly care for me and now I am. I’m not ready to dive into the world; I’m not ready for reality. I am not my sister and I will never be.

Crystal if you ever read this I want you to know that I love you. I want you to know that every single second that we have ever spent together has meant so much to me. I want you to know that you are the first person I have ever loved in any way and you will probably be the last person that I will ever love in such a strong way. All of these writings are a true gift to you. I started writing this entire journal because of the inspiration you gave me. I have told this chapter of my life and now I think it’s time for it to come to an end. You’re going to go so far in life and I will always be in your heart no matter where you are. This is the last page of my journal and this will be the last entry…I love my sister…


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